Russell Brand, then 31, was ‘instantly aroused’ when he learned 16-year-old he’s accused of sexually assaulting was a virgin: report


Russell Brand, then 31, was ‘instantly aroused’ when he learned 16-year-old he’s accused of sexually assaulting was a virgin: report

Russell Brand allegedly became so “preoccupied” with the innocence of a 16-year-old girl accused of sexually assaulting him that he was “instantly aroused” when he found out she was still a virgin, a disturbing new report has revealed.

The woman, identified only as “Alice” in a joint investigation published Saturday by the Times of London and Channel 4 Dispatches, claims the 31-year-old actor and comedian told her to read Vladamir Nabokov’s controversial “Lolita” — famous for its obsessed middle-aged protagonist with a 12-year-old girl – and sexually assaulted her during their three-month relationship in 2006.

Alice said she first met Brand when she approached him in Leicester Square while he was shopping nearby, recognizing him from his stand-up act and work with the BBC.

“He took my shopping bag from me quite disarmingly and proceeded to buy me and criticize it, and then he pulled out a dress and said to me, ‘You’re going to wear this on our date this week’,” she told the outlet. that.

After Brand, now 48, asked Alice to dinner, her mother told her to text him her age — which is above the age of consent in the UK — in the hope it would disappoint her, but it didn’t.

“I remember wearing a red rocking dress and big platform shoes and my hair blown up and putting on make-up,” says Alice.

“But I don’t look like a woman in any way. I was a child who had dressed for dinner.

Russell Brand denies rape allegations “Amidst this shocking, somewhat baroque attack, there are some very serious allegations that I absolutely deny,” Brand said in a video before the damning allegations were made public. Brand Russell/Twitter

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Brand told her to confirm her age on their first date.

“I don’t give a f–k if you’re 12 … I need to know where I stand legally,” he allegedly told her, according to the report.

The brand’s charm and attention made Alice feel “giddy” and “special,” she said.

When the teenager first told Brand she was a virgin, he was immediately aroused and immediately became “preoccupied” with her innocence, she told the outlet.

“He was like, ‘Oh my God, my baby, my baby’, and picked me up and held me in his arms like a child and stroked my hair,” she said. “He was like, ‘You’re like my little doll.'”

Russell brandRussell Brand is accused of sexually assaulting four women, including one who was just 16 at the time, in a new report. Getty Images

Brand would refer to her as “kid” and give her “scripts” to deliver to her parents when she wanted to see him, even instructing her to save her number in her phone under the name “Carly,” according to the revelation.

Although Alice is of legal age in the UK, she and a relative who supported her claims to the Sunday Times likened her actions to “grooming”.

“Russell engaged in the behavior of a makeup artist, looking back, but I didn’t know what it was at the time, or what it looked like,” he told the outlet.

She added that Brand was controlling and once showered for her and told her to stay in it for about an hour while he got out. He also claimed he had removed the condom during sex without her knowledge.

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Alice also claimed that Brand had sexually assaulted her towards the end of their relationship.

“I was sitting on the bed on the headboard, and he forced his cock down my throat and I couldn’t breathe,” she said, according to the report.

“It just choked me and I couldn’t breathe, and I pushed him and he didn’t back down at all.”

“I ended up having to punch him hard in the stomach to get him off,” he continued. “I was crying and he said, ‘Oh, I just want to see your mascara go on.’

“Then I knew at that moment that he didn’t care to hurt me physically or emotionally … It shouldn’t take you to punch someone and roll them to get them away from you. It shouldn’t be a physical fight.”

Alice said Brand then forced her mouth open so she could drool in it.

“My body was trapped under him and I just thought, ‘Why are you doing this?’ he said. “It can’t be any sexual satisfaction in this.’ And then he covered my mouth and made me swallow it and so I just choked and cried.”

Alice’s relationship with Brand ends when he invites her over only to find another woman in his bed when he arrives.

“I was very angry, and I said to him, ‘Why are you doing this to me? This is so embarrassing,'” she recalled.

Alice, now in her 30s, is one of four women who told the Sunday Times that Brand had sexually assaulted them between 2006 and 2013, during the height of his fame.

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Russell brandAlice claims the assault happened at the end of a roughly three-month relationship she had with Brand in 2006. WireImage

She revealed that she came forward after realizing she was too young to consent to a relationship with an adult and felt that the law should be changed to raise the age of consent to 18.

“My mom still feels like she let me down in some way in allowing this to happen, but she doesn’t have any recourse,” he said. “It shouldn’t be legal for a 16-year-old man to be in a relationship with a man in his thirties. There has to be something to protect the children.”

Before the scandal broke, Brand posted a video to YouTube and X denied the allegations,

“I have received two very disturbing letters, or letters and emails, one from a mainstream media TV company, one from a newspaper, listing a series of horrific and aggressive attacks,” he said.

“Amidst this spectacular, somewhat baroque attack, there are some very serious allegations that I completely deny.”

The actor said the allegations stemmed from a time when he was “very, very promiscuous,” which he said he wrote “about extensively in my book.”

“Now at the time of the association, the relationship I have is really, always like each other,” he said.

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