Russian ‘invisibility cloak’ camouflage technology could make troops undetectable from as close as 3 feet away


Russian ‘invisibility cloak’ camouflage technology could make troops undetectable from as close as 3 feet away

Russia has developed and deployed a new camouflage technology for its military that many have dubbed the “invisibility cloak,” local news reports.

“This new ‘nevidimka-cloak’ is part of the Russian – and previously Soviet – doctrine of ‘maskirovka’ (literally translated as ‘disguise’ but conceptually, the etymology is ‘disguise’), which is the basic tenet of Russian military doctrine,” Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst and author of the Putin Playbook, told Fox News Digital.

“The idea is to deceive the enemy about everything you do – confuse him about the presence, position and size of troops, the time and place of the attack, prevent him from distinguishing the type of military hardware,” Koffler said.

“They put a premium on controlling and manipulating the opponent’s perception of what is happening on the battlefield,” he continued. “Russia spends a huge amount of resources to carry out ‘maskirovka’ activities. Yes, they may not design enough military uniforms to keep their troops warm, but they will spend money on ‘jubah-nevidimka.’”

Russian channel TASS released an interview with HiderX on January 19, when the company explained many aspects of the new military technology, including the fact that it weighs 350 grams – or about three-quarters of a pound – can be folded and fit in one’s pocket and works by hiding signatures heat.

Russia has developed and deployed a new camouflage technology for its military that many have dubbed the “invisibility cloak.” HiderX/east2west News “This new ‘nevidimka-cloak’ is part of the Russian – and previously Soviet, ‘maskirovka’ doctrine. HiderX/east2west news

“We are designing a completely new product – a camouflage suit that melts the silhouette,” Russian firm HiderX told TASS about its new product. “It’s a completely Russian technology that coats the fabric with a specific mixture.”

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“It is our knowledge and we will not disclose the details,” the company claimed. “The suit filters the temperature around the object. It effectively camouflages Russian soldiers against hostile heat seekers.”

HiderX claims that the trial is “ongoing and should be completed by the end of January.”

“Russia spends a tremendous amount of resources to carry out ‘maskirovka’ activities,” Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst and author of Putin’s Playbook, told Fox News Digital. HiderX/east2west News “The suit filters the temperature around the object. It effectively camouflages Russian soldiers against hostile heat seekers.” HiderX/east2west news

Current technology allows the Russian military to “separate heat” but has proven to be “ineffective,” according to HiderX, who claims their technology works on “heat exchange [that] runs naturally while the fabric breathes.”

Koffler provided Fox News Digital with more details about the technology, noting that all of the information was obtained from Russian sources, including Zvezda TV and Army commentary.

First of all, Koffler explained that “experiments” included battlefield tests in Ukraine. The full suit includes a hood, hat and “special goggles” and provides effective cover as close as two meters [approximately 3 feet] away from the soldiers using it.

The full suit includes a hood, hat and “special goggles” and provides effective cover as close as two meters from the soldier wearing it. HiderX/east2west News A man shows off an ‘invisibility’ suit. HiderX/east2west news

“The material itself has three layers: first, the inner layer, reflecting infrared (IR) radiation from the user’s body; second, the middle layer, absorbs IR radiation; and the outer layer, reflecting IR radiation from the external environment,” explained Koffler. “The Cloak-Nevidimka was created at the RKhBZ Academy, which stands for Radiological Chemical Biological Defense.”

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“There’s a reason why the Russians want us to know that they have this,” Koffler insisted. “It doesn’t mean they’re lying.”

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