Security guard caught carrying severed hand inside coat pocket while on job — day after a headless body was discovered


Security guard caught carrying severed hand inside coat pocket while on job — day after a headless body was discovered

A Colorado security guard was caught carrying a severed hand in his coat pocket while on the job last week – just a day after a mutilated headless body was found in a nearby creek.

Solomon Martinez, 26, was arrested at work on Jan. 11 on suspicion of first-degree murder in the death of the woman, who is believed to be the owner of the hand, Pueblo police said.

He allegedly admitted to hiring the woman as a prostitute a few days earlier, but denied committing the murder.

Police quickly zeroed in on Martinez after his roommate caught him covered in dirt and blood at a local car wash just before 5 a.m. two days before his arrest.

Martinez allegedly used a pressure washer to clean blood from his hands — and asked his roommate to dig a 10-foot hole for him, according to an arrest affidavit obtained by the Pueblo Chief.

The roommate, who was reportedly at the car wash to work on his car, told police he asked to borrow tools from Martinez, but the alleged killer refused to let him open the trunk of the car to retrieve them.

Martinez allegedly struggled to move “something large” in the trunk out of the way to retrieve tools.

Another witness corroborated the roommate’s claims, reporting that he also heard Martinez make several comments about the need to dig a deep hole.

Solomon Martinez comics.Solomon Martinez admitted to police that he carried the severed hand in his coat pocket for two days. Pueblo Police Department

The witness, a friend of the security guard, also told police that he saw Martinez dragging the woman’s body that appeared to be down to the riverbed that same morning.

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Martinez first asked the friend to help dispose of the body — and then threatened him with a gun — but the friend refused, records show.

The body was decapitated, but the head was with the body, the friend reported. He videotaped the scene to “cover himself” before covering himself with a blanket because he “didn’t know what else to do.”

The car wash where Solomon Martinez allegedly went to wash the blood off his hands.Martinez’s roommate caught him trying to wash the blood off his hands at a local car wash just before 5 a.m. FOX8LIGHT

Police traced Martinez to his job at a security guard company owned by the former Pueblo County Sheriff, who had hired the alleged killer just two weeks earlier.

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That’s when investigators found a human hand inside a plastic bag stuffed into the left breast pocket of Martinez’s jacket — which he admitted to carrying for two days, the affidavit said.

Police noticed she had cuts all over her wrists and hands, which Martinez tried to explain away as injuries from the Chihuahuas before later claiming they were from small rocks while picking up her dog.

His car was allegedly covered in blood.

Martinez tried to pin the murder on a friend who recorded the video, which police saw and noted showed a headless body.

He claimed the friend had “borrowed his vehicle,” which also had his gun and phone in it at the time, and then asked Martinez to take the hand, records show.

When asked if police could find anything incriminating on his phone, Martinez said: “Maybe, I’m afraid to find out.”

Martinez was arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder and is being held in the Pueblo County jail on a $1 million cash-only bond.

Pueblo is a town 40 miles south of Colorado Springs.

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