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Shanna Moakler Talks Relationship With Ex Oscar De La Hoya Amid Appearance On His Documentary

Shanna Moakler wants the world to know what really happened in her relationship with her ex-fiancé Oscar De La Hoya.

The 48-year-old and the former professional boxer were in a relationship in 1997 before they announced their engagement the following year. Less than a year later, they welcomed their child — daughter Atiana De La Hoya — in March 1999.

The couple ended up breaking up soon after when Moakler learned that De La Hoya had taken another woman as his date to an awards show while they were still romantically involved. Although she has moved on, Moakler will appear in an upcoming documentary about her ex-partner and she has shared why.

Shanna Moakler Has Nothing To Hide About Her Broken Relationship With Oscar De La Hoya In Upcoming Documentary

Moakler has plans to shed more light on the events surrounding his relationship with De La Hoya years after the latter withdrew from their daughter’s life when she was young. The beauty queen explained she was pressured to appear in the documentary to share her “side of the story.” In the words of the reality television star:

“I got involved because I was told it would be an uninhibited document and felt I could tell this publicly. I don’t know how they plan to edit it. I have absolutely no relationship with Oscar de la Hoya now and I don’t want to. “

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Shanna Moakler Shows Off Her Toned & Slimmer Curves While Celebrating Reaching Her Fitness GoalsInstagram | Shanna Moakler

He added that the boxing promoter’s relationship with their son is “between him[SICandhe’snotayoungadultnowandI’mnotgoingtotalkaboutit”WhatMoaklerisdoinginsteadisfocusingonhisownrelationshipwithAtianaaswellashistwochildrenLandonandAlabamaBarkerwhoheshareswiththeformerrocksingerTravisBarker[SICandherassheisayoungadultnowandIwillnotspeakonthat”WhatMoaklerisdoinginsteadisfocusingonherownbondwithAtianaaswellasherothertwokidsLandonandAlabamaBarkerwhomsheshareswithherex-husbandandrockerTravisBarker[SICdandiakeranadiadewasamudasekarangdansayatidakakanbercakapmengenainya”ApayangMoaklerlakukansebaliknyamemfokuskanpadaikatannyasendiridenganAtianasertadualagianaknyaLandondanAlabamaBarkeryangdiaberkongsidenganbekassuaminyadanpenyanyirockTravisBarker[SICandherassheisayoungadultnowandIwillnotspeakonthat”WhatMoaklerisdoinginsteadisfocusingonherownbondwithAtianaaswellasherothertwokidsLandonandAlabamaBarkerwhomsheshareswithherex-husbandandrockerTravisBarker

“I am very close to all my children. Nothing will stop him, even if we have problems on the road like every family with teenagers does. I love them all unconditionally and will always be active, involved and supportive in their lives,” he said Us Weekly.

The Miss Nevada USA executive producer has shared proof of their undying love in a single photo of her and her three children looking glamorous and happy on her IG Story. Dressed in a white shirt and blue pants, Moakler tilted his head slightly as he beamed and looked at Alabama from the corner of his eye.

She was seen putting her arms around Landon as she and Atiana rested on his folded legs holding hands and smiling. Just like their mother, Alabama and Landon wore white shirts, while their older sisters wore black sleeveless tops, bringing unity to their fashion choices.

Meanwhile, a docu called “The Golden Boy” will debut in two parts on Monday, July 24 and Tuesday, July 25, detailing De La Hoya’s journey from his upbringing in East Los Angeles to becoming a legendary boxing champion.

Shanna Moakler Talks Relationship With Ex Oscar De La Hoya Amid Her Documentary AppearanceInstagram | Shanna Moakler

Additionally, it will see him “take stock of his life and relationships” as he provides “raw and intimate interviews” in the programme, which also features “thoughtful comments” from those in his life including his ex-fiancé, his siblings, six children , and his father Joel De La Hoya Sr.

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Days before Moakler took to the streets to tell the world the truth, De La Hoya opened up about why she let her ex and Travis raise Atiana after she left. Speaking with Allison Kugel on the “Allison Interviews” podcast on Thursday, July 20, the 50-year-old revealed:

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“I basically ran away. I was scared. I was scared. I tried to be a full-time father for a few years, and it was beautiful.”

She reiterated that while it was “amazing to raise a little girl,” she couldn’t help but question her worthiness and tried to convince herself that it was impossible to earn the unconditional love her daughter brought into her life.

After admitting that neither of his parents showed their love for him, De La Hoya declared that he was “always there, but not there,” making his relationship with Atiana different than usual. Boxing’s Golden Man, as he was known, further stated:

“You have to check in and you’re worried. Even though I’m far away, I feel like I’m always close, but I don’t think I’m qualified enough to do the job.”

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