
Shaquille O’Neal Has A Message For Ja Morant; ‘Think Of The Higher Power’

Memphis Grizzlies star Ja Morant has made some troubling mistakes lately. While many dissected his every choice, mocking and criticizing Morant for his actions, few offered advice.

Former NBA star Jalen Rose recently shared his advice for Morant and now it’s Shaquille O’Neal’s turn, who shared his thoughts on Morant’s situation on the latest episode of “NBA on TNT.”

Shaquille O’Neal Shares His Thoughts On Ja Morant’s “Poor Choice”.

Shaquille O'Neal is on "NBA on TNT"NBA on TNT – Instagram

“It was a bad choice. It was a bad decision. We have to stop putting ourselves in a position where they can take away what we’ve worked so hard to achieve,” he began his thoughts on the Morant situation. “You should always believe in a higher power. I’ve always had the ability to stop time and say, ‘If I do this, what will the result be?’”

O’Neal then held Morant accountable for his recent decision to Instagram Live shirtless at a strip club while brandishing a gun. “There is no excuse for what he did, but remember, he pressed a button on his phone. He’s live.”

O’Neal then brought up Morant’s parents saying that they had “a nice mansion next to yours.” “Think of a higher power. I feel for him now, but I also feel for his mother and father,” he continued. “What are they going through?”

The former NBA star wanted to make sure to remind everyone to think of a higher power before making decisions that have consequences. “Guys, before you make a stupid decision, not a mistake, a stupid decision, a stupid choice, think of a higher power – your mother, your father, your children,” he said. “I’m not going to attack that kid, he knows what he’s doing is wrong, but remember, he put himself in that position.”

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“You’re Not a Rapper. You’re an NBA Player”

Shaquille O'Neal in the NBA on TNTNBA on TNT – Instagram

O’Neal continued to speak his mind by reminding everyone that this was a decision Morant made and not a good one.

“You have to have enough sense to know that it’s not going to go the way you want it to,” he said. “You’re not a rapper. You are an NBA player. I don’t know where you are from. I don’t know who you hang out with. That doesn’t matter. When you make a decision, you must be smart. We have to stop putting ourselves in a position where they can take it back.”

O’Neal reminds everyone that Morant did this to himself and has to deal with the consequences. He also wanted to mention that choosing the right friends is key.

“And his friends, you can’t be friends,” he explained. “I love my crew. We fight and argue all the time, but you know what, they keep me in line.”

Social Media Followers Leave Their Thoughts In The Comment Section

Many NBA fans took to the comments section of the clip posted on Instagram to leave their thoughts.

“Thanks Shaq…it wasn’t a MISTAKE, it was a STUPID decision…and hopefully he learns from it ✊??,” wrote one.

“This is the best way to deal with this situation by not holding people around him accountable but the guy who went directly ?.. NOBODY SAID HIM TO GET HIS LIFE BUT JA.. ACCOUNTABILITY,” added another.

One follower thinks OG needs to speak up more to share their wisdom with the younger generation. “Need more talks like this from OG. In particular, before things like this happen and newcomers need to receive this kind of wisdom. Well, put it by Shaq.”

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Another follower described O’Neal’s talk as “yeah man.” “If you’re the smartest in your crew, in other words, if your crew is a bunch of people yeah, get a new crew, and grow up.”

It’s unclear when Ja Morant will rejoin the Memphis Grizzlies

Yes MorantJa Morant – Instagram

Morant was initially suspended for two games, but there is still no timeline for when he will return to the court. Grizzlies head coach Taylor Jenkins recently said he hasn’t had an update.

According to USA TODAY Sports, Jenkins addressed the situation during a pregame news conference. “It is support and accountability. We are in touch with him every day,” he said. “It’s the staff, it’s the teammates. He’s still a big part of what we do. As I said the other day, we love him, we want the best for him, we support him.”

Yes MorantJa Morant – Instagram

On Monday, Glendale, Colorado police said they had begun looking into Morant flashing a gun during IG Live early Saturday morning. On Wednesday evening, it was announced that police were closing the investigation and that Morant would not be charged with any crime because there was insufficient evidence to charge him.

The NBA is also conducting an investigation to see if the firearm was registered with the league as required by NBA rules, as well as if Morant carried the gun on the chartered flight.

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