Social media


Social Platforms to Use for Different Generations

In 2022, research shows that the age distribution of social media users in the United States is very even, with a steady increase in users from 18 to 64 years of age and older. The data also shows that different social platforms are popular with different age groups.

Although most users come from the younger generation, some social platforms are used more by the older generation. Because the demographics of each social network are different, you must understand how different generations use social networks.

Furthermore, as a marketer or business owner, you should know which platforms are ideal for different age groups. With many different social networks available, which one is worth promoting your brand based on your target demographic?

How different generations use and utilize social platforms

Today, the generations we know are of four types: Generation Z, Millennials (Generation Y), Generation X and Baby Boomers.

  • Generation Z (Gen Z) – They were born between 1995 and 2009. They are described as digital natives and are currently the youngest generation in the workforce and among consumers
  • Millennials – Also known as Generation Y, were born between 1981 and 1994 and are the first generation to grow up with the Internet.
  • Generation
  • Baby Boomers – Born between the end of World War II (1946) and the mid-1960s (1964), they are now the oldest generation of workers and consumers

Social media platform

Here’s how each generation uses and uses social media:

Gen Z, also known as Zoomers, has the largest number of online social network users. This generation has been exposed to social media for nearly half of their lives. So they are always online. They are also visual learners, as visual content appeals to them more than older generations.

Gen Z’s most popular reason for using social media is to pass the time. In addition, they use social networks for the following purposes:

  • Share daily life updates
  • Build personal image
  • Communicate with friends
  • Spend micro-moments in minutes
  • Avoid fear of missing out (FOMO)

As shoppers and consumers, Gen Z enjoys interacting with brands and businesses on social media to learn more about them. They expect brands to provide a personalized shopping experience without being intrusive and overbearing.

Thus, attracting Gen Z includes:

  • Publish content that encourages engagement
  • Optimize your profile for social commerce
  • Respond to questions and concerns promptly,

Millennials are considered the most adaptable generation due to being born before and after the Internet. Although they are not dependent on technology, they are tech-savvy enough to understand modern technology. Because they have experienced many changes, they look for something new and can adapt quickly.

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This generation uses social networks to connect with friends and the world. They use it to stay informed about social issues, share life updates, and find entertaining content to consume and watch.

As consumers, Millennials expect social media brands to address important needs and moments in their lives, including career, family life and future. They participate in online communities that provide discussions relevant to their daily endeavors and needs.

DO YOU KNOW?By 2023, an estimated 4.9 billion people will use social networks worldwide.

Gen X is the small generation between the larger Millennials and Baby Boomers. Although small, they still make up a significant portion of social media users. They are more likely to stick with sites they know and understand.

Gen Xers are also hybrid technology. Seeing life before and after the Internet, they may use technology but are not as tech-savvy as the next generations.

This generation uses the web to connect with loved ones, significant others, share opinions and research. They prefer social platforms that are easy to use and provide news. They expect brands to inform, educate and engage.

If Gen Xers are your target market, you must provide in-depth content that solves their problems—for example, how-to articles and how-to videos.

While it’s difficult to gain the trust of Gen Xers, losing it is also risky. They may be your most loyal customers or clients, often willing to pay a premium for their trusted brands. Excellent customer service is key to earning their loyalty.

Baby Boomers are traditional media natives. They have seen a dramatic shift from television, radio and newspapers to personal computers, laptops and smartphones. Only a few in this generation consider social networks necessary.

Although Boomers are used to changes, they are not familiar with digital technology due to old age. They are the ones who use their index finger instead of their thumb on their smartphones.

Because most Boomers live without social networks, they lose touch with some loved ones. Using social media is how they find and reconnect with them. They also use it to kill time and browse information.

Boomers spend a lot of time browsing lists before making a purchase. They ensure product or service quality and top customer service because they are ready to buy. If they are your target market, you must promote your brand on social platforms where they are more active.

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Social media logos

Leading social platform for different generations

Different generations have different preferences, but most use similar social platforms. Here are the top platforms for different generations that you can use to target all ages:


Facebook is the leading social media channel worldwide. Besides connecting with loved ones and the world, many people think of it like an email address—an expected credential online. Baby Boomers and Gen X prefer this social network.

Marketing to Baby Boomers and Gen X on Facebook includes:

  • Emphasis on price: Boomers and Gen X are not impulsive buyers. They ensure that they are making an informed decision by looking for the most affordable prices.
  • Promoting youthfulness: Reminding Boomers and Gen It’s important that you promote your brand in a way that makes them feel youthful.
  • Use conversational language: Most Boomers and Gen X do not understand memes and slang. They also don’t talk like 18th century royalty. Using everyday language is necessary because they are still normal individuals living in the contemporary world.
  • Respond to questions, comments, and feedback: Boomers and Gen Interact with them politely and answer their questions attentively. If they have a bad experience, responding politely and allowing them to file a complaint can restore their trust in your business.


Instagram is a photo and video sharing social platform favored by Gen Z and Millennials. Users share stories, photos, videos and reels in this app. It is also mainly used for influencer marketing.

Marketing to Generation Z and Millennials on Instagram includes:

  • Showcase your passion: Create creative captions that showcase your brand’s unique attributes and drive engagement
  • Create engaging images and videos: Make a positive impression with your images and videos in the first few seconds. Highlight your brand’s personality by showcasing content like behind-the-scenes videos
  • Boost user-generated content: Allow your followers and leads to upload content with specific content and hashtags. For example, a giveaway contest requires uploading images of landmarks


TikTok is another social platform that Gen Z and Millennials prefer. This interactive application allows users to create, view and publish short-form videos. It is notable for its high level of interactivity and addictive quality.

Marketing to Generation Z and Millennials on TikTok includes:

  • Create interesting, positive, and inclusive content for Gen Z
  • Lifestyle-related content discusses responsibilities and tips for Millennials
  • Exciting and engaging short-form videos with engaging visuals, personality, catchy songs, and fun filters
  • User-generated content is similar to Instagram—contests, giveaways, promotions, and reviews
  • Influencer marketing
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YouTube is the second largest social media platform worldwide. It thrives and becomes popular thanks to user-generated content. Unlike official content on television, users publish creative videos that resonate with viewers on this channel. Baby Boomers also love this social network.

Marketing to Baby Boomers on YouTube includes:

  • Videos provide value and relevant information
  • The video has simple tips and how-tos to stop reading directions and calling someone for help
  • Videos related to Boomers’ current life stages and values


Twitter, now X, is a social network for microblogging. It allows users to publish tweets—which are short posts—containing text, photos, links, and videos. Gen Z and Millennials are the biggest users of the platform.

Marketing to Generation Z and Millennials on Twitter includes:

  • Allow them to act, vote or make decisions
  • Use Twitter analytics to determine the best posting times for Gen Z and Millennials
  • Drive engagement by keeping conversations going (e.g. show gratitude by thanking them for sharing your content, hashtags, brand mentions, or product content)
  • Influencer marketing


Snapchat is a social network that allows users to send and post disappearing snaps (images and videos). Gen Z uses this platform the most.

Marketing to Generation Z on Snapchat includes:

  • Publish content that is transparent, honest, and socially responsible
  • Influencer partnerships and engaging, informative, and engaging short-form videos
  • Personalized content delivers meaningful experiences
  • Humor and relatability
  • Giveaways, contests and promotions
  • Sponsored lenses and filters
  • Snapshot ads


LinkedIn is a social network for professionals. It allows users to create business profiles and connect with experts across industries. Users also hunt and apply for jobs on this application. Unlike other platforms, Gen Z does not use this platform much. Millennials, Baby Boomers and Gen X are the ones who use it the most.

Marketing to Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers on LinkedIn includes:

  • Highlight your brand vision
  • Inspirational and motivational content about career journeys
  • Publish news, career advice and industry insights
  • Build a professional network
  • Attract top talent by posting job ads

Generational social media use has distinct characteristics but also common purposes, such as searching for information, interacting with brands, and browsing engaging content.

Leveraging social platforms for all generations allows you to target and reach different demographic groups to grow your brand. This way, you can expand your strategy and attract more potential customers from all walks of life.

Categories: Technology