Spotless giraffe spotted in Nambia believed to be only the world’s second


Spotless giraffe spotted in Nambia believed to be only the world’s second

He is hard to spot.

A clean Angolan giraffe was filmed walking with its mother in the wild at a private game reserve in Namibia, only the second of its kind in the world, the Giraffe Conservation Foundation announced on Monday.

The jaw-dropping discovery comes just weeks after a spotless giraffe named Kipekee was born at a Tennessee zoo.

Kipekee is believed to be the only unspotted giraffe alive in the world until the sighting at Mount Etjo Safari Lodge.

Before that, only two clean Angolan giraffes had ever been recorded, both in Japanese zoos, according to the foundation.

Female mammals do not have unique “individually identifiable” patterns that allow researchers to track populations, the group said.

“The lack of spots can be caused by a genetic mutation or a recessive genotype in one or more genes associated with patterning, but without detailed genetic analysis, this is pure speculation,” the wildlife organization’s co-founder, Julian Fennessy, said in the statement. .

spotless giraffeThe clean giraffe was found roaming around a private game reserve in Namibia with its mother. Eckart Demasius through the Giraffe Conservation Foundation
giraffeThe youngster is believed to be only the second giraffe to live unblemished. Eckart Demasius through the Giraffe Conservation Foundation
giraffe zooThe first is a rare spotted giraffe named Kipekee born at Brights Zoo in Limestone, Tenn. last month.Bright’s Zoo

The group said giraffes were facing “silent extinction,” and hoped the news would “inspire people to stand up for giraffes and raise critical funds” to protect their dwindling population, which it says now stands at 117,000 across the continent.

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