Student eats THC-infused candy handed out at California school Halloween event


Student eats THC-infused candy handed out at California school Halloween event

A student ate THC-infused candy handed out during a Halloween event at a California elementary school, while three other families found more marijuana-laced treats in their children’s candy bags.

The unidentified child became ill and required medical attention after eating the candy at an event at Amelia Earhart Elementary on Sunday afternoon.

The student was eating a Kiva Lost Farm fruit chew, which looked very similar to a Starburst.

But deep image shared by policethe packaging states the candy is infused with 10mg of THC.

Three other families also found the fruit candy in their children’s bags, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

There were no reports that any other children had ingested THC candy.

Alameda police are investigating the incident to determine where the candy came from at the PTA-sponsored event. They warn the public that many drug-laced candies closely resemble real candies.

Kiva Lost Farm cannabis-infused fruit chews. An unidentified child ate a piece of THC candy at an event at Amelia Earhart Elementary Sunday afternoon, causing the child to become ill and seek medical attention. Alameda Police Department

Close up of Lost Farm fruit chew wraps. Three other families also found the fruit candy in their children’s bags. There were no reports that any other children had ingested THC candy.

The department recommends parents “inspect your child’s candy” before allowing them to enjoy it to look for “unusual packaging” and to report any “suspicious” candy distributed during holiday celebrations.

In a Facebook post, the Alameda Police Department shared some popular brands that have been ripped off of THC candy.

Some of these include Tali Nerds that claim to be “medicinal” and KitKat wrappers that feature cannabis leaves. Others have slight changes to the brand name such as Reefer instead of Reece and Stoney Patch instead of Sour Patch Kids.

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Some packaging can be more difficult to identify, such as Jolly Ranchers Gummies, whose THC brand uses the same name, font and graphics. The only indication that the gum is cannabis-infused is the little corner that usually shows the calorie count per serving.

To the unsuspecting eye, many THC candies look like real candy.

“Be careful and check your child’s Halloween candy,” the department warned.

The student’s parents were notified Monday afternoon of the incident and the school is working with police to “determine the source of this candy,” Earhart Principal Bryan Dunn-Ruiz said in a letter to the family, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

Alameda Unified School District officials are encouraging families to throw away candy received at the event, spokeswoman Susan Davis said, according to the outlet.

“It’s very concerning,” Davis said. “We are trying to do everything we can to keep the children safe while we investigate what happened.”

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