Supporters Believe That Donald Trump


Supporters Believe That Donald Trump’s March 4 Trial Date Is ‘Election Interference’

It’s official Donald Trump better be in court on March 4 to answer the allegations of election fraud.

Donald Trump Has His Command

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The former President has been given his marching orders to appear and stand trial on March 4. This is a case that Trump has allegedly tried to dismiss for years. The schedule was set by US District Court judge Tanya Chutkan.

He noted in a statement. “The events that gave rise to this case occurred in late 2020 and early 2021. To propose a trial of this case five years later risks the real danger that witnesses may not be present or their memories may fade.”

The judge continued, “My primary concern here, in each case, is the interests of justice and that I have balanced the defendant’s right to provide adequately.” Trump has already pleaded not guilty to the charges and recently turned himself in to police.

Donald Trump is in the making

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A consensus is forming online that the former president is being mistreated and set up in some way. The tweet was aggressive and irrelevant.

“Reminder: “#Joe Biden previously stated he would use government powers to stop #DonaldTrump from becoming president again.” Here’s Proof That #Trump’s Trial Is #ElectionInterference.”

Supporters Believe Donald Trump's March 4 Trial Date Is 'Election Distraction'Twitter

They attached a link to an article about how Mr. Trump was done wrong. Another follower leans towards this idea but in a less aggressive way. “#JudgeChutkan ruled that #DonaldTrump will have a trial date set for March 4, 2024. Thoughts, Is this too early and do you think it will interfere with his presidential campaign? #Trump2024 #TrumpTrial.”

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Is it true that they are trying to interfere in the Trump campaign in a legal way? Donals is hoping to get a second term as President since he last held office which he claims 2024 is his year.

Supporters Believe Donald Trump's March 4 Trial Date Is 'Election Distraction'Twitter

Not Everyone Cares

Supporters Believe Donald Trump's March 4 Trial Date Is 'Election Distraction'MEGA

Not at all surprising, many people believe that Trump got what he deserved and that no matter what the scenario, he will find himself in a mess.

“#DonaldTrump doesn’t need to run anymore. An investigation was underway before he announced his escape. Even if he doesn’t run again, this allegation will.”

They added, “This investigation and allegation is not about anyone trying to stop him from running or hurt his running. They happened to hold a man who broke the law accountable.”

Supporters Believe Donald Trump's March 4 Trial Date Is 'Election Distraction'Twitter

Some people criticized the government for not supporting the former president. “When will #Republicans and the #RepublicanParty Fight for our President #DonaldTrump?

Because #WeThePeople will not Vote for any fake Rinos elected #Republican!”

“Corrupt” President.

Supporters Believe Donald Trump's March 4 Trial Date Is 'Election Distraction'MEGA

Unfortunately, for Donald, this has encouraged those who hate him to hate him even more. “

President #JoeBiden is “old” and “confused,” and former President #DonaldTrump is “corrupt” and “dishonest.” Those are among the top terms #Americans use when they’re asked to describe #Democrats in the White House and #Republicans best positioned to face him”

Meanwhile, Trump isn’t backing down and maybe he won’t talk about how unfairly he’s been treated and how sorry people will feel when he’s proven innocent. Who else can’t wait until March 4th?

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