The 9-Minute Ab Workout Ryan Gosling Did To Get ‘Barbie’ Abs


The 9-Minute Ab Workout Ryan Gosling Did To Get ‘Barbie’ Abs

Actor Ryan Gosling and his “Barbie” friends had to bring their “Kenergy” to get in shape for the new “Barbie” movie.

The actor’s trainer David Higgins, who has worked with producer and star Margot Robbie for years, told GQ that he used a combination of weightlifting and pilates to help the actress get in shape for the role.

While this includes push-ups, pull-ups and plank challenges – as well as two hours of daily dance practice for the musical numbers – Higgins also gave GQ the details behind the Goslings’ nine-minute abs workout to get their shredded abs.

The Secret to Ryan Goslings’ Shredded ‘Barbie’ Abs: A Nine-Minute Workout Routine

The key to this nine-minute workout routine is that you do nine different exercises for nine minutes.

That’s one minute per exercise, ideally with no rest in between.

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The first exercise performed is called a rollback. You start by sitting on the mat with your knees bent and tucked into your chest with your hands on your shins.

You then roll back so that your upper back touches the floor but your knees are still tucked. You then return to the starting position and repeat. Some people also do this exercise with their hands over their ears.

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The second and third exercises are variations on leg lifts. You lie on your back with your legs straight out in front of you. Cross your left leg over your right and lift them as high as you can in the air while keeping them straight. At its peak, slowly rotate to the left and then to the right before lowering it to the ground with control. The round at the top should be almost like a screw, seen in the video below.

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When you’re done with one minute, put your feet down and place your right foot on top of your left foot. Repeat this for one more minute to complete the second and third exercises of this routine. By the time you finish your right leg, you’re already a third of the way down with the exercise!

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The fourth exercise is the crunch. To do a crunch, lie on your back with your knees bent and flat on the floor. Press your lower back into the ground and pull your belly button in as you leave your upper body off the ground in a crunching motion. Pause halfway up and then pause at the top before coming back down and repeating.

It is very important that you lift your upper body and not pull your neck with your hands, which can lead to injury.

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For the fifth and sixth exercises, do the same crunch movement as before, except add a diagonal twist to do a crossbody crunch. Rest your hands gently behind your head and keep your elbows wide. Reach your right elbow toward your left knee and then return to the starting position.

Do this exercise for one minute on each side. Some individuals perform this exercise by tucking their knees into their chest as they pulse.

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The next exercise is called rope climbing, but it doesn’t work, it doesn’t involve any rope! Instead, you imagine you are holding a rope and curl your body up as if you are trying to grab the rope. Move as if you are pulling yourself up with one hand on each problem.

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While some individuals perform this exercise with their feet flat on the floor, Gosling performs this exercise lying on his bag with his legs elevated and feet in the air for an added challenge!

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The windshield wiper may be one of the most complex exercises to perform, but fortunately, it can be easily modified to be performed with your feet on the floor, with your knees bent, or even with your legs straight for an added challenge, often known as pendulum

To perform this exercise, sit on the ground with your feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Engage your core muscles, tilt your pelvis forward, and then lean back until you feel a stretch in your stomach. Stop there and lift your feet off the floor, swinging your feet as far as you can to the left and right.

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The last exercise is called the dead bug. To perform this exercise, lie on your back with your arms straight on the ground over your ears and your knees bent with your feet on the floor. Lift one foot off the ground and bring the opposite hand to meet it.

Although there are many variations of the dead bug, Ryan Gosling held the position for thirty seconds on one side before switching to thirty seconds on the other side to complete his nine-minute “Barbie” workout! It is recommended to do these ab exercises daily for best results, although individuals should also check with their doctor before starting any new fitness routine. It’s also important to remember that your diet plays a big role in the definition of your ab.

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