The Royals Forbid


The Royals Forbid ‘Suits’ Writers To Script This One Particular Word For Meghan Markle

The Royal Family put some of their strict rules on the staff behind the scenes of ‘Suits’, making life a living hell.

Meghan Markle’s Act Gets a Hit

The Royals Ban Writer 'Sue' For This Specific One-Word Script For Meghan MarkleMEGA

The actor knows how important dialogue and the writing process is. Suits show creator Aaron Korsh shared that there was censorship through The Royal Family, they prevented Markle from being given one piece in particular.

Korsh told The Hollywood Reporterr that while she was dating Prince Harry, the family was protective. “I will say, and I think Harry put this in the book because I heard people talk about it – [the royal family] weighed in on a number of things,” Korsh recalled.

He made sure that the Royal Family didn’t interfere with “a lot of things” but when it came time for them to speak, he admitted it was “a bit annoying.” The family had one naughty word that they never wanted future family members to say at that time.

Meghan Markle’s Naughty Sayings

The Royals Ban Writer 'Sue' For This Specific One-Word Script For Meghan MarkleMEGA

“The word rhymes with “mock”, said Korsh. There was a line in the script where Markle was supposed to say: “My family would say poppy.” That wouldn’t sit well with the “firm” and they put the kibosh on it.

The family was worried about how the job would affect the family down the road. “The royal family didn’t want him to say those words. They didn’t want to put the word ‘poppycock’ in his mouth. I assume because they don’t want people to cut things together he says ‘c—.’”

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The family was initially wary of Markle becoming an actress and how her career would affect them.

After “poppycock” was forced out of the running, the word was updated with a curse word instead of a better choice but for the Royal Family, it wouldn’t affect them.

What Words Are Substituted For

The Royals Ban Writer 'Sue' For This Specific One-Word Script For Meghan MarkleInstagram/SuitsPeacock

Bet you want to know what’s more acceptable than “poppycock”? the B word. Yes, it was replaced with “bulls**t” using the word “poppycock” which was meant as a thank you to the Royal Family but whoever came up with that idea clearly knows nothing about the late Queen and her children.

They only like to be in the media when they control it. Korsh on the other hand, had something more pressing on his mind, how did the Royal Family get an advanced copy of the script?

The Royals Ban Writer 'Sue' For This Specific One-Word Script For Meghan MarkleMEGA

The family has additional problems with the script. “There might be one or two more things, but I don’t remember,” he said. And he admitted that he was aware that the family would have “access” to the script because of the “feedback” process they had in place.

The show ended in April 2018 but it remains a favorite to grace streaming sites like Netflix. The Royal Family’s attempts to censor the show may be futile as Markle is no longer an active member of The Royal Family or “The Firm” as she likes to refer to them as.

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