Three-legged bear named ‘Tripod’ breaks into Florida home, guzzles three White Claws


Three-legged bear named ‘Tripod’ breaks into Florida home, guzzles three White Claws

What a party animal!

A three-legged bear looking to join in the Labor Day weekend festivities was caught dragging White Claws from a Floridian family’s outdoor refrigerator.

Shocking video shows the black bear – known in the neighborhood as “Tripod” – nonchalantly walking across a screened-in terrace in Lake Mary, a town about 20 miles north of Orlando.

Joseph Diglio, 13, was watching TV indoors when the family dog, Bruno, barked chaotically.

“This is, like, once in a lifetime …” the stunned teenager can be heard saying in footage he recorded on his cell phone shared with WESH.

“There’s a bear in our yard … Oh my God, I’ve never been this close to a bear.”

Tripod slowly crept across the lanai, sniffing out potential grub the family might have left behind.

He finished the fish food that Diglio had left next to their fish tank before heading to the bar.

“He just opened the door!” Diglio exclaimed happily.

Tripod, a three-legged bear, tore a hole in the family’s lanai screen. Courtesy of the Faneite-Diglio family

“He wants to take a beer. There is no food there friend.”

Tripod, however, seemed very happy with Diglio’s house beverage selection.

“He took three White Claws, drank, and went away very happy. His favorite flavors are mango and strawberry,” Joseph’s mother Josaury Faneite-Diglio told the outlet.

Tripod was able to open the bar fridge door, swipe three White Claws from inside.Courtesy of the Faneite-Diglio familyTripod drank three White Claws in strawberry and mango flavors.WESH 2

Finally, Bruno’s barking scares Tripod, who leaves the way he came — through the hole he tore through the family screen.

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According to Joseph, this is the second time the bear has done so.

“Just part of life where we live, honestly,” he said.

Joseph Diglio captured the entire encounter on video.WESH 2

Faneite-Diglio said that Tripod is a well-liked member of their Seminole Country area.

“I’m not afraid because we know the bear very well. He lives here; we respect their habitat as much as possible.”

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