
Todd Chrisley Says Chloe’s Biological Mother ‘Has No More Rights To Chloe Than A Stranger’

Todd Chrisley and his wife Julie could be taken to prison as early as January 2023 but not before he learns Chloe’s whereabouts.

Todd Chrisley Is Better For Chloe

Todd and Julie Chrisley 52nd Academy of Country Music AwardsMega

The reality star still hosts her podcast, “Chrisley Confessions” and used the opportunity to slam her granddaughter’s mother, Chloe Chrisley, for thinking she had a chance to get her daughter back. He claims that he “surrendered his rights” so he’s not sure where all this is coming from.

“It’s ironic that her birth mother would come forward now when she hasn’t been in his life since 2015, and Angela Johnson gave up her parental rights [in] March 2017, and we never heard from him again,” he quipped.

Todd and Julie legally adopted their grandson in 2017 and have the final say on what happens to him when they finally report to prison.

Todd Chrisley Says Angela Johnson Has No Chance

Todd Chrisley Says Chloe's Biologist 'Has No More Rights For Chloe Than Strangers'Twitter/AngelaJohnson

The 53-year-old went on to say, “We’re not going to discuss who it’s going to be because we don’t owe the world anything and that’s our personal business,” he insisted. Chrisley looked a little flustered for good reason and proceeded to tell Johnson that he was basically in a fight.

“At the end of the day, Chloe’s family is what Chloe has grown up with. His life won’t change as it might based on Julie and I’s ability to control.” Todd didn’t stop there, he “wasn’t there [more] rights to Chloe compared to strangers on the street,” he stressed.

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Chrisley reminded Johnson that she was willing to go before a judge and give up her parental rights.

Angela Johnson Speaks to the Judge

Todd Chrisley Says Chloe's Biologist 'Has No More Rights For Chloe Than Strangers'Twitter/AngelaJohnson

Todd remembers the day Angela gave up custody of Chloe. “Angela Johnson really gave up her rights to her son. He did this in front of the judge. The judge explained to him, ‘You understand what you are doing? You understand that you are giving up your child’s rights?’”

Angela also apparently denied that she was offered any kind of compensation, “anything financial” and that she was not “threatened”. In case anyone wasn’t clear on what Todd was saying, knowing he can ramble on sometimes, he said;

“So the record is very, very clear: Angela Johnson has no rights to Chloe. His rights have been terminated. He was legally adopted.”

Todd also went on to claim that Angela was “just using us for the money.” She claims they bought her a condo, a car (a Prius, to be exact), and her nursing school tuition, and all because she never wanted to tell Chloe that she “let her mom be on the street.”

Angela Johnson Can’t Keep Her Life Alive

Todd Chrisley Says Chloe's Biologist 'Has No More Rights For Chloe Than Strangers'Twitter/AngelaJohnson

Todd informed his followers that even after helping the single mother, he couldn’t take care of himself and Chloe. He apparently lost the condo, didn’t finish nursing school, and wasn’t “present part time” to pick Chloe up when the joint custody agreement was made.

“Angela terminated her rights voluntarily,” he said. “He was not threatened. He was not forced. … There is no truth to anything he said.”

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It took Todd a little longer to really tear Angela apart. He called her directly. “All you have to do is understand that I’ve kept every text message, and so has Julie, of any communication we’ve ever had with you,” he cut her off with her words again. “We don’t issue them, but if necessary, we will. That just draws our line in the sand. You have no relationship with Chloe. He has nothing to do with you.”

All this back and forth after Johnson spoke to him TMZ earlier in the month claimed that he intended to “go back to court to get Chloe home.”

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