Trump backers release NH ad blasting Nikki Haley over 2015 criminals’ comment


Trump backers release NH ad blasting Nikki Haley over 2015 criminals’ comment

The super PAC backing Donald Trump for the Republican nomination released a new ad Monday attacking 2024 rival Nikki Haley over comments she made about illegal immigration while governor of South Carolina.

Advertisement by Make America Great Again Inc. will be released in New Hampshire as the race between the former president and former ambassador to the United Nations heats up in the nation’s first major state.

“Drug dealer. Rapist. Poisoning our country. But Nikki Haley refuses to call illegals ‘criminals.’ Illegals are criminals, Nikki. That means illegal,” intoned the narrator of the MAGA Inc. advertisement.

“Haley is even against Trump’s wall and Haley has repeatedly rejected amnesty for illegal immigrants. Nikki Haley: too weak, too liberal to fix borders,” the narrative concluded.

The ad also featured a clip of Haley in 2015 saying: “We don’t need to talk about them as criminals. They do not.”

Drug dealer. Rapist. Poisoning our country. But Nikki Haley refuses to call illegals “criminals.” Illegals are criminals, Nikki. That means illegal.

— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) January 8, 2024

Haley’s campaign fired back Monday, saying Trump was “trying” to maintain his momentum and rise in the polls.

Back-to-back polls from the same poll have shown Haley, 51, within four percentage points of Trump in New Hampshire. In the midst of its revival, MAGA Inc. and the Trump campaign have stepped up their attacks on the former South Carolina governor.

“When Donald Trump was still a liberal who supported Hillary Clinton, Nikki Haley passed one of the toughest anti-illegal immigration laws in the country,” Haley’s communications director, Nachama Soloveichik, said in a statement. “This is clearly a two-man race between Trump’s debunked lies and Nikki’s vision for a strong and proud America.”

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Nikki Haley adIllegal immigration has skyrocketed under President Biden’s administration and Haley said she favors a comprehensive approach that doesn’t “just” include building the border.

Haley’s campaign also said Trump’s ad was full of “lies” about his record.

A 2015 clip of Haley saying those who cross the border illegally are not “criminals” was taken out of context rather than her saying “that not every illegal immigrant is a hardened criminal, but they still have to follow the law,” the campaign claimed.

Haley’s supporters say she supports not only building a wall along the US-Mexico border, but also augmenting it with border agents and other infrastructure.

Former President Donald Trump acknowledged supporters in Iowa.Donald Trump leads in the GOP primary but has the smallest margin in New Hampshire over Nikki Haley. AFP via Getty Images

“Don’t say you just want to build a wall. Because the wall won’t do it. You have to have the commitment of ground troops, equipment, money, all of that to bring it along. Then you get serious about dealing with illegal immigration,” Haley said in 2015.

Haley’s camp also claims that she has never supported amnesty, and there is no evidence to the contrary.

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