Vicky Kaushal and Tripti Dimri’s new film ‘Bad News’ has been announced via Amazon Prime Video. Along with Vicky and Trupti, the film will also feature Punjabi star Amy Virk. Recently, the poster of the film was released and it attracted the most attention. Zee News also shared about it on its platform. The film’s poster features Tripty Dimri flaunting her baby bump and as soon as it went viral, fans reacted on social media.
bad news
On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, Prime Video announced a number of big projects, and during this time, Vicky Kaushal’s new film Bad News was announced.
Talking about the release of the bad news of the movie, according to the makers, this movie may release on 19th July 2024. This movie will be a comedy drama and along with Vicky Kaushal, Tripti Dimri, Amy Virk will also be seen doing comedy.
The film “Bad News” is being produced under Karan Johar’s production. Before that, he brought “good news”. This movie starring Diljit Dosanjh, Kareena Kapoor, Kiara Advani and Akshay Kumar was a super hit. Now the makers have introduced a new movie ‘Bad News’ on similar lines. This time he chose Vicky Kaushal, Tripti Dimri and Amy Virk.
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