pen tool


‘What Does S Mean on Snapchat?’: MyStery Resolved

If we have to talk about how high standards are set today, the sky is the limit.

And when it comes to social networks, the app that has pretty high standards is Snapchat.

After launching various exciting features like Snapchat Planets and Snapchat Premium, it continues to offer more features. But with that comes countless doubts and questions, and the issue surrounding the platform today is what S means on Snapchat.

If you find yourself asking the same question as the user in the Subreddit mentioned above, stand your ground. Not only will you get a rundown of what S means in Snapchat, but also how to respond to S on Snapchat. So here we go!

What does S mean on Snapchat?

Without raising your doubts any further, let’s cut to the chase and tell you what S on Snapchat means.

The letter S that you may often see pop up in the snaps you receive means the other user is telling you how they want to start a Snapchat streak with you or continue with an already created thread.

And not just snapshots, but sometimes you can also find the letter S on messages. So, it means the user is asking you to initiate a connection with them or prompt you to send a snap so that the problem of losing the spark on Snapchat doesn’t happen.

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Now that you know the meaning of the letter s on Snapchat, let’s move on to ways to use it on Snapchat.

How is S used on Snapchat?

Before getting started with ways to use S on Snapchat, let’s first understand why one might want to use it in the first place.

  • To keep threads and conversations going.
  • Stay up to date with others to share new snaps.
  • To maintain quick communication exchanges every day.
  • To increase their account’s Snapchat score using streaks.

Here are some points why one can use the initial S on Snapchat. And here comes the “how” – there are basically 4 ways to use the letter S on Snapchat:

Use a pen

The first and most popular method to use S on Snapchat is through the Pen tool on the app. Because it’s quite easy, users often add a fire emoji next to it.

All you have to do is log in to Snapchat and click on any image. Then just click on the pencil icon and draw the letter S. You can also add some emojis by tapping the Emoji icon and selecting whichever emoji you want to use .

Stickers and GIFs

Now let’s move on to another way to use streaks for the letter S on Snapchat, namely Stickers and GIFs.

To do that, just tap the Sticker icon and search for Streaks. Now you can simply add the ones you like, as shown below!


The final method to use S on Snapchat is through Bitmoji. There’s no need to have Snapchat Premium to get one, so you can always create your own! All you have to do to use the letter S for stripes on Snapchat with Bitmoji is:

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Just like in the case of Stickers and GIFs, here too you have to go to the Stickers and Bitmoji icon and type Streaks in the search bar. Now, from the results that appear, select the ones you like as many times as you like!

As you know, the letter S represents Streak on Snapchat; you can also know how to reply to S on Snapchat.

How do I respond to S on Snapchat?

Replying or responding to S on Snapchat is not a big deal. Just watch where you get the S on Snapchat. If it was sent quickly and you don’t have any previous relationship with the person, you can respond by letting them know whether or not you want to start a relationship with them.

However, if you receive an S from a user who already has contact with you, they may have sent a character with an S on it as a reminder that you haven’t sent your snap yet. On the other hand, when you receive the letter S in a text message, it means the other person is being sarcastic with you or asking if you want to pick a fight with them.

Other meanings of S on Snapchat

Besides streaks, there are other meanings of S on Snapchat. Some of them are listed below:

  • Second
  • Southern
  • Siemens
  • sulfur

In addition, people also use /s after a sentence in text to let the other person know that they are being sarcastic. This not only makes communication enjoyable but also ensures that there are no misunderstandings.

Ending with the benefits of using S

As they say, people who don’t keep up with the latest trends are boring; Now you can count yourself in the fun part. After all, what S means on Snapchat is about keeping up with the social media madness that’s going on.

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What are you waiting for? Start your streak using S and don’t let the excuse of not having an account stop you. Because if you don’t have one, you can always make one!

Related: Create a Snapchat account

Categories: Technology