winter in kashmir essay


Winter in Kashmir Essay in English

Winter in Kashmir Essay in English, Kashmir is a place where you can see heaven on earth with your own eyes. In winter it becomes even more beautiful when a blanket of snow covers everything. Snow is beautiful and the majority of people living in cities and towns would like to see it fall once in their lifetime. There is no other place than Kashmir to witness this wonder of nature.

I visited Kashmir with my family last winter and it was an amazing experience. It was my first time witnessing snowfall and it was nothing short of heavenly. Everything is white but beautiful in all terms. The beauty of Kashmir increases in winters as well.

It’s comparable but life gets tough in the winter. There are many places in Kashmir where tourists can visit and enjoy winters to the fullest. In Kashmir, winter starts from December 21-January 31 which is called chillai- Kalan which is 40 days. Then comes chillai khurd which is 20 days and the last period of winter is ten days chillai bacha.

winter in kashmir essay

Winter in Kashmir Essay in English

Winter in Kashmir Essay

The first phase of winter in Kashmir is very cold and harsh. During this period, it is bone-chillingly cold and it literally freezes for longer. I remember we had to wear many layers of clothes to go out and have fun.

According to Kashmiri elders, the snow we see today is nothing compared to the past. They said that it used to snow at least one story in the past days. It used to be difficult to leave the house because everything from the window to the door was always closed due to snow. Ancient people lived in very difficult times in ancient times.

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Today people have facilities so life is quite easy but people have to struggle to get through the winters in Kashmir. People are forced to stay in their homes for longer periods of time. Now due to climate change Kashmir doesn’t get the weather and snow like it did decades ago. However, it is difficult to withstand the winter in Kashmir.

Now the winter period has also shifted from December-January to February and March. Last year when I visited Kashmir the winter did not receive that much snow. In recent years, the chillai kalan winter period has also not seen snow.

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This is a major concern because a mountain without snow is like a royal head without a crown. Snowfall pleases everyone equally and this is why it matters. We had great moments and collected lifetime memories on our winter holiday in Kashmir.

My brother and my grandparents and I had the best time of our lives. We went on many snow rides and it was a completely new experience for us. We make snowmen, throw snowballs at each other and make millions of videos and reels in Kashmir.

The winter is pleasant and the sparkling white snow everywhere just cheers us up every time we go out to play. We used to play in the snow from morning to evening. My mom used to pack us so we wouldn’t get sick, but the level of excitement we had was unmatched. The energy of winter in Kashmir is completely different.

Everything is so beautiful and heavenly here. The satisfaction of having warm things and a fire by our side is incomparable. After playing in the snow every time we eat kawa soup, chai, and suam. It is a delicious warming satisfying treat. Our room had a heater, but sitting with the locals around the fire was something different.

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We got some local friends in Kashmir who invited us to their house. They told us many winter stories and how they survived the winter when the snow covered their entire house. People can’t walk so they used to walk in line.

The stories are amazing and I even share them with my friends when I go back to my friends at school. I can’t forget the chill that shivered down my spine, the red nose and cheeks, shivering from the cold when we used to play in the snow in Kashmir. We were in Kashmir for 10 days and it was the best day of my life.

Paragraph Winter in Kashmir

Visiting Kashmir in winter was a good idea even though my mother was afraid we would fall ill. The excitement was so high that we used to play in the snow for hours and still nothing happened. Instead, we collect cherished moments making snowmen, throwing snowballs, making snow fairies and ice cream from freshly poured snow.

I have always loved winter because it provides warmth and the beauty of the mountains is majestic. We make homemade slides and slide over the mountains. It’s a homemade snow ride that isn’t scary at all. In fact, they are bold and very fun. I remember that one day my brother and I went skating in the morning and came back in the evening.

It was so much fun that we completely forgot about eating food that day. My mom didn’t mind because we were on vacation and enjoying ourselves to the fullest. We were so tired that day that after dinner we went to bed immediately after bed. The rooms are comfortable enough to keep us warm. The fire in the fireplace makes everything magical.

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Outside it was a cold windy night, but inside with my whole family and the fire in the fireplace made everything so cozy and warm. At night the mountains look majestic under the moonlight. I can’t forget that sight because it was not from the earth but directly from the land of the gods.

Winters in Kashmir are something every Indian should experience at least once in a lifetime because they are so beautiful. Kashmir is not only beautiful in summer, but it is also incredibly pleasant and happening in winter. Winters in Kashmir should be experienced as they are magnificent.

This is winter in kashmir essay, from this entire article, we include information about the first snow in kashmir essay. If find anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more information please visit us at

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