YouTuber accused of recording motorcycle ride going 150 mph in Colorado arrested in Texas


YouTuber accused of recording motorcycle ride going 150 mph in Colorado arrested in Texas

A Texas YouTuber accused of filming himself going more than 150 mph on a motorcycle down a Colorado highway has been arrested in his home state, and extradition proceedings are underway.

Rendon Dietzmann, 32, was arrested Feb. 7 in Denton County, Texas, on a Colorado State Patrol extraditable warrant, the El Paso County District Attorney said Friday.

The process of bringing him back to Colorado, for his first court appearance, is underway.

Denton County Sheriff’s Office online arrest records show Dietzmann was charged with assault, which is not one of the charges listed in a warrant for a speeding case from Sept. 28, 2023, when Dietzmann allegedly zoomed between Colorado Springs and the Denver metro area at 20 minutes on Interstate 25 for purpose of social media.

Driving between the two cities usually takes an hour.

Rendon Dietzmann was arrested and charged with assault, records show. Rendon Dietzmann was arrested on the Colorado State Patrol’s extradition warrant list. Denton County Jail

The video, no longer on YouTube but shared by CSP last month, appears to show Dietzmann going at high speed while weaving through small gaps in traffic and traveling on the shoulder of the highway.

Dietzmann is known as the Gixxer Brah on YouTube. Her page description says, “I like to be on wheels… and go fast.” The account has more than 250,000 subscribers and nearly 500 videos posted to its page, with the most recent upload six days ago.

YouTube previously told Fox News Digital that it has removed content from the channel in the past, adding that its policy prohibits “harmful or dangerous conduct” that “poses a serious risk of bodily harm or death.”

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Rendon Dietzmann is seen in a video, shared by the Colorado State Patrol, racing his motorcycle at nearly 150 mph. Rendon Dietzmann is seen in a video, shared by the Colorado State Patrol, racing his motorcycle at nearly 150 mph. Colorado State Patrol

Dietzmann is wanted on charges of menacing, engaging in a contest of speed, reckless endangerment, reckless driving, speeding 40 mph over the limit, engaging in an exhibition of speed and driving without a license plate.

The Colorado State Patrol coordinated with the Dallas Police Department in Texas and the El Paso County District Attorney’s Office to identify the rider as Dietzmann. He was arrested at a home in Justin, Texas.

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