Sailani Baba History in Marathi


सैलानी बाबाचा इतिहास Sailani Baba History in Marathi

History of Sailani Baba in Marathi – सैलानी बाबाचा आतिहास सुलानी बाबा, known as साई लानी शाह or साई लानी पीर बात्बा म हेनी में is a revered Muslim saint who is widely revered in India and Pakistan. His shrine is in the town of Sailani in the Buldhana district of Maharashtra.

According to local tradition, सैलानी बाबा was born in 19व्य श्टकात जालात and he led a religious and भाग्तीचे life. He is said to have performed many miracles and is renowned for healing the sick and the afflicted. Sailani Baba is also known for his message of love, peace and kindness.

His temple at Sailani is a popular destination for pilgrims from all over India and is a popular destination during the peak season. The crowd is huge, attracting thousands of devotees. हे मंदिर धर्माडाय के केंड के न्दर दर्माडाय देश्य केंदर देश्वते पुर्वते अध्या दर्माड़ू

सैलानी बाबान्चा वर्षा एसा अनुयायानी ज़ा में अग्या केला केला अहे, जे शे त्वार्णी विष्टिला प्रतानम. Their teaching आत्रांप्रती emphasizes on compassion, humility and the importance of सेवेच्या and their तीर्थिस्थान and सेवेच्या and their तिर्थिस्थान मुस्लास्थान मुसलालिम चित्र फी तीर्थक्षेत्र अक्षा भक्ष्टीची है.

History of Sailani Baba in Marathi

सृलानी बाबाचा इतिहास History of Sailani Baba in Marathi language

सैलानी बाबा को अहे? (Who is Sailani Baba in Marathi)

Sailani Baba is a respected Sufi saint who went to the city of Sailani in the Indian state of Maharashtra in the 19th century as a lawyer. Sailani Baba is also known as “Sai Mastan Ali Shah” or “Sailani Shah” or his name and he helped many people on their spiritual journey.

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Sailani Baba is known for his love, compassion and service to others. He did many miracles in his life, such as healing sick people and helping those in need. His followers bless and guide him even after his death.

सैलानी बाबा अंद्रीय मंदिर, सैलानी कृष्टा अहे, हे कालाय कालाय अकि काल्य याट्रेकरूू।। भाविक to pray, to receive blessings and to help solve their problems The temple is especially busy during the annual उर्स उस्तवार held in honor of सैलानी बाबाने and हजतात्रो अभि अतारकतो अभि आर.

सुलानी बाबा इतिहास (History of Sailani Baba in Marathi)

Sailani Baba, who is also known as Sayyid Mohammad Yusuf Shah, is also known as Sailani Shah in Maharashtra, is believed to have been born in the early 19th century and died in 1914.

According to the legend, सैलानी बाबा हे अजमेर्चे famous Sufi saint हजरत खवाजा मोएनुदिन चिश्दिन चिश्ती याते य. He got spiritual training and guidance from his Guru and then Islam and Sufivadarshan got there and then Islam and Sufivadarshan got there.

सैलानी बाबा त्यांच्या प्रेम, शांती आणि सौहार्दाच्या शिकवणींसाठी ओळखले जातात, ज्या त्याधंच्यी त्यनामलाई णि चमत्कारी शक्तींद्वारे पसरवल्या. आसे मान्या जाटेत की आपया हैयातीत अनेक मिक्चल केले के लेख की बेरे जुलोक अध्या करने के मिर्टनिंजा पेले

After his death, सैलानी बाबाची समाधी सर्व धर्माचे बनली तीर्थक्षेत्र बेनली, जे शेवर्णण आशीराथेण्य ना आशीराथेण्य. सैलानी बाबान्चा अन्युन्य उर्स (पुण्यतिथी) his followers do बोला अच्चाने साजरे, जे त्यांणी आद्वाराजूदोल न अध्या.

आज, सैलानी बाबाच्य करतमित कर्तमित करतमें आवानाचा सर्व स्वर्ण केंडर है

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