Can I See Who Visits My Twitter Profile? A Full-Fledged Answer to the Infamous Query in 2023


Can I See Who Visits My Twitter Profile? A Full-Fledged Answer to the Infamous Query in 2023

“The qualities that make Twitter seem bland and half-baked are what make it so powerful.” If a Harvard professor says something like this about a social media platform, it’s probably worth experiencing. Twitter is arguably the most popular social media platform on the internet today.

Many people create funny tweets and posts to entertain the audience while others show off their artistic skills. It comes across as a great platform for people to get recognized. But that doesn’t mean the platform is perfect or even close.

We’ve all heard of the infamous question that goes like this, “how to check Facebook profile visitors?” but not many of us are aware of a similar question that has been cropping up on the Internet for quite some time.

Who viewed my Twitter profile?

There are many theories surrounding this question and many people have come up with different opinions and options, but if one has to be honest about it, the answer is a resounding no. Unlike other platforms like LinkedIn, where you can see who visited your profile, Twitter users can only know the same when someone directly interacts with your tweet or post.

Don’t feel sad about it, as there are many other factors that you can control. Users can control who likes their posts, comments on them, users who repost their tweets, and also users who mention you in other posts.

In case you want to keep your activity private, you can switch to a private account.

This is how a user can change their account to private. This way, only the people who follow you will have access to the posts and tweets. Just follow the steps in the correct order and you’re ready to go;

  • Start the procedures by accessing the platform and logging into your Twitter account.
  • From there, just click on the profile icon that is available on the left side of your screen.
  • In the next window, select the settings and privacy option.

Settings and privacy tab for Twitter

  • For the next step, you will need to select the “privacy and security” option.

privacy and security option

  • In the privacy and security window, click the “audience and labeling” option.

the audience and the tagging option

  • Now, you will need to activate the “protect your tweets” option.

After doing this, the platform may ask you to log into your account again. Please note that some information may remain public.

Let’s now look at some possible answers to the question “can I see who visits my profile on Twitter?”.

Is it possible to know who viewed my profile by using an application?

No, unfortunately there is no application available on the internet as of now that can allow users to view the viewing history of their Twitter profile. Although there are some applications that can be useful when analyzing engagement and other important aspects. These are namely Crowdfire and Hootsuite.

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Although neither of the two apps can give you any kind of insight into who the stalker is or who views your profile often, they can be useful if you want to know your profile engagement rate.

Users can choose between either app to find out the most popular posts on their profile, the number of views their profile gets in 24 hours, and the total number of accounts viewing their tweets.

Anyone can get started with both apps for free, but only the Crowdfire app offers unlimited use at no cost. You can only get a thirty-day free trial when it comes to the Hootsuite app.

We have provided a detailed look at these two apps below so that you can better decide for yourself.

Disclaimer: All information available on this blog is for the sole purpose of educating the audience on the methods that can be used to find out your Twitter account’s engagement details. We are in no way associated with the Twitter platform and the blog is only coming out as a piece of writing to be used to raise awareness.

More about the applications

If you are looking to know the real traffic of your Twitter profile in a detailed and organized way, this application is for you. The app comes with some great benefits like knowing the most popular tweets of the week, weekly trends, the number of new users who started following you, the total number of tweets, and the top follower feature that allows you to view the profile. who followed his profile wholeheartedly during that week.

Coming to the user interface of this app combined with a brilliant dashboard makes it quite easy for the users to make the most of the features available for their use. Users can track the steady increase/decrease in followers, top posts and also learn more about the tweets they make.

This allows users to focus their attention on content that has been quite popular with their followers and avoid the type of content that doesn’t get much response from followers. The app is ideal for business and professional accounts as it comes with an annual subscription.

Whether it’s for tracking profile visits or learning other important engagement factors, Hootsuite can be very useful. One can simply use the app to get the most out of it with relative ease.

The latter is quite similar to Hootsuite and also comes as a social media management app that can be used to learn about the performance and intricate details of your social media accounts, which also includes your Twitter profile.

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Users can control all the likes and comments for each post along with the option to know the people who are viewing the posts. You can also monitor your progress on a weekly basis by looking at the posts that have racked up tons of likes and the ones that are doing as well compared to the most popular ones.

What makes it even better is that one can even schedule their posts or just update them to manage the posts according to their convenience.

The best part is that it comes in both paid and free versions. Both are quite useful for professional and business accounts.

Now that you know about the two apps, you can decide for yourself.

If for some reason you don’t want to go ahead with the idea of ​​using third-party apps for this purpose, there is a better and safer alternative called Twitter Analytics.

Can Twitter Analytics be of any help in checking who viewed my profile?

The bottom line is that Twitter analytics can’t offer anything specific, but it can still help you in a number of ways with relative ease so you can get closer to knowing Twitter bullies.

In simpler terms, while you may not be able to answer the question of “who visits my Twitter profile”, you can find out about the number of accounts that have visited your profile, if it’s any consolation.

Here are the steps on how you can do the same;

  • Start by opening the Twitter app and signing into your account.
  • Once you have logged into your account, click on the “more” option from the profile tab that is available at the top left corner of your screen to proceed further.


  • In the next window, you will need to click on the “analytics” option. From it, you must select the option that says “activate analysis”.

turn on6

  • For the next step, access the “profile visits” option.


And just like that, you’re ready to go. If you wish to enable analytics on your desktop operating system, simply click this link after you have logged into your account and you will be able to analyze all activity related to other users’ interaction with your profile.

Apart from this, users can also keep track of other important Twitter metrics including the number of Tweets you have posted, how many impressions or views you get in a month, the total number of followers, and the total number of followers you have posted. Sometimes another account mentioned yours in a tweet or retweet.

As we have mentioned before, all Twitter analytics are measured every month. To add to this, you can also keep an eye on your tweet that attracted the most attention and the user who followed you the most each month.

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Not only profile views and other metrics, but Twitter analytics can also help users understand the performance of the entire campaign, in case they have created an account for business purposes.

This, in turn, helps users learn about areas that need improvement along with areas that are quite successful. Additionally, users can learn more about the people who follow them by monitoring these metrics.

Would a browser extension be effective in finding out who viewed my profile?

Various browser extensions are available on the Internet, claiming that they can offer the kind of functionality that can allow users to meet other users who frequently visit their profile. Although keep in mind that most of these browser extensions do more harm than good. This is the reason why users should stay away from such extensions.

Regardless of whether browser extensions are accessible for free and may look quite authentic, you are likely to end up in serious trouble if you use them. The extensions, in turn, can access your personal information without your knowledge.

To make matters worse, such extensions only inform users about the profile that is visiting their account and is using the same extension instead of reporting stalker profiles, which was their main concern.

Simply put, things can escalate quite quickly in the wrong direction for you if you choose to opt-in to such web browser extensions in order to learn who views or visits your Twitter profile.

In case you are still convinced to use a web extension to see for yourself, it is recommended that you make use of profile visitors. Although we do not guarantee any type of results or security with respect to your personal information.


Without a doubt, Twitter is a platform where people express themselves, grow and impress others with their posts and tweets. The platform has all kinds of great filters and features for users to make the most of their time on Twitter.

The methods mentioned in the blog appear as alternatives instead of answers because there is no way for a person to know the names of the users lurking in your account, which is why a user can track other things that are important for overall growth. . from the account too.

For further inquiries or information about Twitter services and features, you can simply contact Twitter help and support center or you can leave your questions and comments in the comment section.

Bye bye! Fly high Tweeter.

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