
Cara Delevingne Lookalike Can’t Stand The Comparisons, Especially When Dating

Lucky in looks, but unlucky in love.

Cara Delevingne has a difficult dopplegänger to date because of her striking resemblance to the actress.

Reilly Harrison is a 25-year-old who looks a lot like Delevingne.

Cara Delevingne Lookalike Not Happy About Comparisons!

Cara Delevingne looks like a giant for G-Star RAWMEGA

The biggest similarity between the actor and Reilly is their bushy eyebrows. Reilly added that her blonde hair also adds to her resemblance to Delevingne.

“My eyebrows are my defining feature,” says Harrison Southwest News Service.

Reilly Harrison Says She’s “The Delevingne Way With Bigger Breasts”

One feature the British model-turned-actress lacks is large breasts.

“I’m Cara Delevingne with bigger breasts,” Harrison joked. “I’m like her American sister or cousin.”

“When I look at the video, I can see that I have the same demeanor as him. My face moves the same way. We have the same mouth shape. We move the same way,” he said.

While Harrison admits the comparison to Delevingne is “flattering”, they’re also getting old, especially when it comes to dating apps.

It’s Disappointing To Date When You Look Like Cara Delevingne

“I find it annoying when I try to date,” the single woman told SWNS.

Any mention of her resemblance to Delevingne on the dating app, Harrison bowed out.

She told the outlet it was a major red flag, and said, “They’re adoring their love for her.”

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Delevingne recently opened up about her journey to sobriety.

In an interview with Voguethe former party girl admitted she sobered up four months after struggling with alcohol abuse.

Delevingne mentioned that a turning point for her was when she saw an unflattering paparazzi photo of herself, which served as a stark reminder of the impact her lifestyle was having on her well-being.


His first experience with alcohol was at the age of seven. He got drunk at the wedding and woke up.

In an interview with VogueDelevingne admitted she checked into rehab late last year.

He underwent rehabilitation after disturbing photos and videos surfaced of him shoeless, acting erratically and wobbly.

In the picture obtained by Daily MailCara was seen barefoot with her dog at the Van Nuys Airport on Monday, September 5. He arrived around noon with his assistant in tow.

He appeared tense and agitated upon arrival. Cara sat on Jay-Z’s Puma private jet for 45 minutes before taking off with his dog and entourage.

It is unclear if he was kicked off the jet or if he willingly left.

Photographers at the scene said he was smoking a cigarette while using his cellphone, which he dropped several times.

Cara DelevingneMEGA

Cara’s luggage was removed from the private jet and put back into the car that took her to the airport.

According to sources, the actor’s terrifying photos came after he spent the day at the Burning Man Festival. The outlet reported his eyes had dark circles around them, they were sunken and he did not shower or eat while attending the festival.

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“He’s just spent days in the desert, hasn’t eaten much and he looks disheveled because he hasn’t had time to scrub,” the source revealed. “His friends were worried about him in general after some erratic behaviour, but he had a good group around him. His sister was at the festival with him. He wasn’t alone and he had her back.”

What makes things worse for Cara is that she can be seen with her feet dangling from the window of a black SUV as it exits the airport.

Cara recently celebrated her 30th birthday and celebrated on a yacht with friends overseas.

A friend who met Cara in Ibiza told DM, “He’s messier out there than he’s been in a while but says he’s OK, good to be 30 and have fun. He’ll think the pictures are funny — he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with the way he lives his life and says he’s totally fine.”

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