Crematorium worker finds 90-year-old woman alive after being pronounced dead


Crematorium worker finds 90-year-old woman alive after being pronounced dead

A crematorium worker in Brazil got the shock of his life when he went to a hospital morgue to retrieve the body of a 90-year-old woman who had died, only to find her still alive, according to reports.

The horrific incident took place in the city of São José on Saturday, just hours after staff at the hospital declared Norma Silveira da Silva dead.

The woman is placed in a body bag and sent to the morgue, where the unsuspecting officer makes a gruesome discovery.

The nonagenarian was taken back to the hospital room, but he was pronounced dead Monday morning.

Da Silva’s carer and friend Jessica Martins Silvi Pereira told Brazilian news channel Estadão that the 90-year-old was admitted to the São José Regional Hospital on Friday in a very serious condition. He is said to have a heart problem and is unconscious.

Norma Silveira da Silva, 90, was found alive in the morgue of the Sao Jose Regional Hospital, in Greater Florianopolis, Brazil, after being confirmed dead on Saturday, November 25, 2023. Norma Silveira da Silva, 90, was found alive in the morgue of the Sao Jose Regional Hospital, in Greater Florianopolis, Brazil. News flash

Pereira visited him on Saturday evening and said da Silva managed to open one eye and see him.

Later that night, the caretaker and da Silva’s son were informed of his death.

The first death certificate for da Silva, issued by the hospital at 11:40 p.m., claimed that the woman had died of a “urinary tract infection.”

Pereira said the woman’s body was immediately sent to the morgue without giving her loved ones a chance to see her first.

Crematorium staff who went to pick up the dead patient around 1:30 a.m. opened the bag and found da Silva’s body still warm and not yet showing rigor mortis, which was surprising given the amount of time that had passed, Pereira said.

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Regional Hospital de São José.Da Silva was put in a body bag and sent to the morgue at the Hospital Regional de São José. Google Street View

“When he opened the bag, he was breathing very weakly. And, because he’s not conscious anymore, he can’t ask for help, he’s trying to breathe and can’t,” his friend told the NaTelinha news site.

Pereira said his elderly friend had spent nearly two hours in the sealed bag “almost suffocating.”

It’s unclear whether da Silva ultimately died from not receiving timely medical attention — or from an underlying condition.

After the 90-year-old was pronounced dead for the second time, his new death certificate issued just before 5 a.m. listed his cause of death as “septic shock.”

Pereira said the patient’s family plans to sue the hospital.

“It is an abandonment that I would not wish on anyone,” he said.

The state Health Department has launched an investigation into the incident.

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