Dad of baby boy gnawed by rats once boasted his temper goes ‘from zero to prison’


Dad of baby boy gnawed by rats once boasted his temper goes ‘from zero to prison’

The Indiana dad charged with gross neglect for letting his baby boy almost get eaten alive by rats in his haunted house once boasted how his behavior went “from zero to jail” in no time.

David Schonabaum’s troubling 2021 flyer is among newly discovered social media posts that offer a disturbing picture of the family and their very dilapidated home.

“I’m avoiding s–t because I’m scared of me, not you,” Schonabaum posted on March 26, 2021. “Anger goes from zero to jail fast.”

Although police documents obtained by The Post show Schonabaum is indeed a convicted felon, he has never been to prison.

In 2021, he signed a plea deal for drug possession and was given a one-year suspended sentence, which he served on house arrest and completed community service.

Schonabaum, his wife Angel Renee Schonabaum and his sister, Delania Thurman, were charged with child neglect after authorities found the 6-month-old boy with more than 50 rat bites all over his body – with his little fingers bitten down to the bone, according to to the report.

Davud ScgibabaynDavid Schonabaum was arrested and charged with child neglect after they woke up to find their baby boy covered in blood last Wednesday. Vanderburgh County Jail
Angel Renee Schonabaum.Angel Schonabaum’s son was covered in bites on his forehead, cheeks, nose, thighs, legs, arms, fingers and toes and lost a large amount of blood. Vanderburgh County Jail
Delaney Thurman.The child’s aunt, Delania Thurman, who lives at the same home in Evansville, was also arrested on similar charges. Vanderburgh County Jail

The tragic victim was flown to an Indianapolis hospital where he was treated and given a blood transfusion after his body temperature dropped to 93.5 degrees, according to police records.

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His current condition could not be seen on Friday afternoon.

Evansville police spokesman Sgt. Anna Gray described the horrific incident as one of the worst cases of child neglect she has seen in her decades-long career.

The Schonabaums lived in a house in town reportedly owned by a cousin, with the baby and two other children, ages 3 and 6, and Thurman’s children, ages 2 and 5.

Police responded to the home on September 13 and found the injured baby.

Videos posted online by Angel Schonabaum in recent months show the house in disarray, with children sitting on the floor amid debris, electrical cords and garbage bags.

The Schonabaum home in Evansville, Indiana.Schonabaum’s home in Evansville, Indiana, where the family’s 6-month-old son was badly bitten by rats — including his little fingers gnawed to the bone, police said. The boy’s parents and aunt have now been charged.
The Schonabaum home in Evansville, Indiana.Evansville police said five children, including a 6-month-old boy, were living at the Schonabaum family home in Indiana. The baby was nearly eaten alive by rats, prompting police to charge his parents and aunt with neglect.

Several videos — apparently intended to puzzle — show her husband, children and even the family dog ​​with a voice heard saying, “The thing next to you is a pain in the ass.”

In one clip, Angel Schonabaum is seen moving her eyes across the screen as a voice is heard saying, “You can move your eyes smoothly across the scene, you’re a killer.”

According to an Evansville police report, police were called to the home in June after a relative threatened to “blow up their house over the phone.”

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It was unclear who was charged and police did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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