Demi Lovato has a bone to pick with the American Academy of Pediatrics.
The singer shared the news that the AAP recently updated their guidelines for treating childhood “obesity.”
On Thursday, February 9, Lovato shared a series of posts from The Alliance for Eating Disorders.
Demi Lovato Has Issues With New Child “Obesity” Guidelines
Lovato was awarded the “National Alliance for Eating Disorders Global Changemaker Award” in 2022.
Fans of the “Tell Me You Love Me” singer know she struggled with an eating disorder for the majority of her career.
This is a topic that is very near, dear and real to Lovato’s heart.
A post from The Alliance for Eating Disorders shared the following news, “The American Academy of Pediatrics recently released new guidelines for treating childhood ‘obesity’. These guidelines are extremely dangerous, damaging, heartbreaking and deeply disturbing. They continue to perpetuate the pervasive weight stigma and fatphobia in the medical community and throughout our world. Weight stigma has been shown to lead to bullying, discrimination and trauma for many individuals, and is also linked to depression, anxiety, substance use and eating disorders in children.”
The next slide explains how the AAP guidelines use Body Mass Index (BMI) as the sole criterion for making these recommendations for treating childhood “obesity.”
To Warn New Guidelines Put Children & Teens At Serious Risk
“But BMI is completely out of date, and is NOT an accurate measure of health under any circumstances,” the post reads. “These guidelines recommend a restricted diet, the use of medications and/or bariatric surgery. This puts children and adolescents at serious risk of developing eating disorders and other mental and physical health problems.”
To add his input to the update guidelines.
“This is why I have to use my voice. These guidelines will cause harm. I stand with the National Alliance for Eating Disorders to ask the American Academy of Pediatrics to reconsider these guidelines. Children deserve better,” he added.
During her acceptance speech for the Global Changemaker Award, Lovato explained, “I want to continue to create a space that breaks down the stigma around eating disorders because being seen and understood is the first step to getting the help and support you need. For me not one means not another.” souls who have to navigate eating disorders feel alone. The Not One More is left thinking there is no hope. But not one more life is taken.”
In 2021, Lovato caused an uproar over a local ice cream shop in Los Angeles for promoting what she deemed “diet culture”.
The incident subsided in April 2021 after Lovato visited the creamery and was confronted with a sugar-free option. He felt triggered, left the store and called them out on social media.
In order to calm down for being “Diet Culture Round”
At the time he posted, “It feels difficult to order a FROYO from The Bigg Chill when you have to walk past tons of sugar free cookies/other diet foods before you even get to the counter. Please do better.”
The ice cream shop responded by explaining why they have that option by writing, “We carry items for Diabetics, Celiac Disease, Vegans and of course have lots of indulgent items too.”
The feud escalated from there with a back and forth between Lovato and The Bigg Chill.
Lovato even labeled them “diet culture vultures.” Many people came to the ice cream shop’s defense, calling it out for trying to ruin a locally owned & operated business during the pandemic.
Now, two months later, Lovato is ready to explain how their passion got the best of them, and how things got “lost in translation.”
During her appearance on “Audacy Check In” on Facebook Live, Lovato told host Ryan Mitchell, “Every time I make a statement through Instagram or Twitter, I feel like it gets lost in translation a little bit.”
Lovato continued, “I’m talking about something I’m really passionate about in relation to diet culture, and I realized that because I’m so passionate … I let my emotions get the best of me and it doesn’t allow me to explain where I’m coming from as easily as I should podcast.”
He expressed his desire to have a more open and honest conversation.
“I am by no means an expert in many things,” they added. “But, I’m willing to learn about it and I’m willing to continue to have conversations that either educate me or others about how to make the world a better place.”
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