Your organization


Effective Ways to Fix the Error “Your Organization’s Data Cannot be Pasted Here”

Have you ever encountered the error “Your organization’s data cannot be pasted here” when using Outlook or any other MS Office application?

This error limits the copying of corporate data for security reasons. And this can be done with the help of Microsoft Intune. So when you try to copy company data and paste it on some other platform, you won’t be able to do it if the data is safe.

Your organization’s data cannot be pasted here.


If you know you know

– Luke Beaumont (@BeaumontLuke) August 31, 2022

MS Office 365 is used by more than a million companies worldwide and encountering errors like this is quite common.

Therefore, this article will help you fix the “Cannot paste your organization’s data here” error on your desktop, Android device, or iPhone. But first, let’s find out why you’re getting this error.

Why do you see the error “Your organization’s data cannot be pasted here”?

Microsoft certainly cares about your organization’s privacy and will not allow actions such as copying and pasting confidential data. As a regular user, you may feel that Outlook is not working properly but there are other reasons mentioned below:

  • The first and most common reason is Microsoft Intune Policy Management, which does not allow you to copy data from any MS Office application and paste it elsewhere if you do not have access or permissions.
  • Additionally, you won’t be able to copy data from policy-managed apps. Most organizations prefer this option for data protection because it ensures confidentiality.
  • Errors can also occur if the versions of two applications are not compatible with each other. Therefore, to avoid this, make sure the applications are not outdated and then try pasting the data.
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So, these are the most common reasons why you get the error – “your organization’s data cannot be pasted here”. That means, if you don’t want Microsoft Intune or any other policy-managed application to interfere with your copy and paste process, you have to learn a few things.

How to fix the error “Your organization’s data cannot be pasted here”

It is common to encounter errors when using MS Office applications. You may experience synchronization problems with MS Excel or be annoyed that Outlook keeps crashing. Additionally, you may encounter problems when you try to copy data and get the error “Your organization’s data cannot be pasted here.”

So, if copy and paste is not possible in Outlook web access, you must try the following to get rid of any errors.

Make changes to the Microsoft Intune Data Migration Policy

The most common reason why users cannot copy data is due to Microsoft Intune policy settings. These settings are intended to protect data and will not allow data to be transferred in any way outside of the work application.

Therefore, you must make the necessary changes to your data migration policy. To do that, you just need to follow these steps:

  • Sign in with your credentials and click Next when you’re done. Click Next2

Note: You can only make changes to your company or organization’s Microsoft Intune dashboard if you have administrative access.

  • Click on “Apps” present on the left side of the panel.Click on Applications
  • From the list of options, click Application Protection Policy.Click on Application Protection Policy
  • Click Create Policy and select platform. Click Create Policy
  • Here, we will continue with Windows. And when you open it, you need to fill in all the required details.vFill in details
  • Once you fill in all the details, open Policies and go to Settings >> Data Protection >> Data Transfer.
  • Under Data Protection, you will find the option “Allow cut, copy and paste”.Allow cut, copy and paste
  • Click on the drop-down menu button and unblock cut, copy and paste options from any application.
  • When you’re done, click OK to save the new policy.
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That’s it. You will no longer see any errors when copying or pasting something.

Update Microsoft Office suite

MS Office applications often create problems if their software is not updated. You can update the software from any MS Office application, just make sure you’re connected to the Internet.

Open any MS Office application of your choice, for example, Excel, Word, Outlook or PowerPoint. Afterward,

Go to: File >> Account >> Update options >> Update now

Update MS Office

Do not close the application until the update is finished. Once completed, you will receive a notification to close the app and then you will receive another notification when the update is complete.

The update has been installed

Try copying the data and see if you get the error again.

Make changes to the file

You may also see an error that says you can’t paste your organization’s data when copying from a new file. So, if you get this error when copying from a file you recently created or discover that Outlook copy and paste isn’t working, you have to make some changes and then save the file.

For example, you can open a recent Excel file from which you need to copy data. Bold some cells or add color to a few cells, save the file and then reopen to see if you can copy and paste the data.

    MS Word protected view

Furthermore, if you open an MS Word or Excel file for the first time, it will open in “Protected View” and will not be available for editing. In that case, you must click the Enable editing option before making any changes.

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Change the file and try copying

Sometimes the file you’re working with is the cause of an error that won’t let you paste your organization’s data. In that case, you’re better off pasting the data into some other file or some other Office application.

If you succeed here, it means that the file where you were trying to paste the data before is corrupted. So you can create a duplicate file or repair the document. In addition, you can even split the data, copy and paste it into several parts.

Restart your computer

It’s possible that MS Office applications have nothing to do with the error and you continue your efforts to troubleshoot and paste the data.

Therefore, you only need to restart the computer after saving the file you are working on. Whether you are performing the operation on Windows or iOS, this method proves effective for both types of devices.

How to fix “Cannot paste your organization’s data here” error on Android and iPhone?

Outlook not working on Android devices is a common problem faced by most users. Therefore, not being able to paste your organization’s data into Outlook or some other MS Office applications can also be annoying on your phone.

    MS Intune for Android

Whether you are working on an Android or iOS device, you can install the MS Intune app and change the settings for allowed apps. Furthermore, older versions of MS Office or Outlook applications can also cause this error.


So, with the above methods, you can easily get rid of the “cannot paste organization data here” error. From making changes to documents to changing application settings in Microsoft Intune Policy Management, there are many ways you can try to copy any data without error.

However, you can also check your organization’s data access requirements before copying any type of corporate data from any secure database.

Categories: Technology