essay on plants and trees


Essay On Plants And Trees

Plants And Trees Essay, Without plants, humans would not be able to live on this planet earth. Plants are important to our existence. Imagine how dull and boring it would look if every plant from the earth disappeared. Just one plant was placed in our room and it changed the whole look of the room. Plants are not only for beauty but they give us life. There are millions of different plant species that exist on earth.

When farming first took place on earth there were many different types of plants, but with evolution plants also changed in color, size, fruits, and their benefits. Humans have benefited from plants since childhood. There are plants that give us fruits, water to drink, medicine to heal and the benefits of plants are countless.

Plants are precious to us and without them, we would not be able to survive even for a minute. We should plant more plants to make our earth green instead of building concrete around it.

essay about plants and trees

Plants And Trees Essay

Plants Essay in English

Every big tree we see today was once a small plant and today it cleans the air for us, provides shelter, and makes our earth beautiful. For every human need, we depend on them. A tree thrives without us, but we will not be able to survive it no matter how much progress we make in our lives.

A society without gardens and farms is never liked by humans. In the city plants make the area look beautiful and green. In the village, residents have natural fields around them. These are healthier and happier people. They always have a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere. People in cities with less exposure to greenery lead stressful lives.

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They want to go on vacation to the hills because of the fresh air and the peaceful environment. Plants are not only important for humans but also insects, birds and animals. Animals also depend on the green earth in everything.

Birds make their home important; There are many insects that live on plants. Bees that are important to human existence thrive on flowers. Animals such as cows, horses, and sheep eat small plants. Plants contain 95% water for their life they need sunlight and soil.

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Earth’s soil is produced naturally and this is why we find life everywhere that humans destroy to make buildings and societies.

Humans ignore the importance of the earth’s flora and fauna. Many forests and plants are being removed to make the land suitable for building. The earth also returns to us and every year we see fires in the forest and floods.

Importance of Plants Essay

This natural disaster destroys most of the greenery of our earth that is important to us. Without plants, nothing would survive on this earth. Cities need to plant more trees so that one day these pants can grow into big and beneficial trees for our future generations.

We must also teach our children to plant trees and take care of the environment we live in. In this way we will be able to build a beautiful earth full of plants and greenery for our future generations.

There are many studies even carried out on plants until now. There are many nutrients in plants that are beneficial for humans. We have also discovered new species lately. Plants are able to make their own food with the help of sunlight.

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This process is called photosynthesis. The green color of plants is due to a pigment found in them called chlorophyll. There are even carnivorous plants that eat insects and animals. Today plants are used in a wide variety of materials that humans use.

Plant Trees Save Trees Essay in English

We use plants to make medicines, we have them in our kitchen like basil leaves, we use them in our food, and plants are used in cosmetics and medicines that heal us. Plants provide shelter to humans and animals and most importantly they are responsible for giving us an environment where we can breathe and survive.

A single tree in the desert can be home to many insects, birds and animals. It can provide shade on hot days to passers-by. People who lack greenery know the value of plants and trees. In India, we worship trees and plants like tulsi and pipe.

In India, we have a majority of homes growing tulsi in their front yard. Indians worship tulsi because it is a sacred plant for us. Plants have their role in our culture and history. Hanuman Ji takes Sanjeevni Booti to save his friend Laxman.

Plants are definitely saviors and we have a whole Veda on plants known as Ayurveda. Charak is the father of Ayurveda and has given us a book on the benefits of Ayurveda called Charak Samhita. For every disease old or new there is a solution in Ayurveda.

Today people are more towards Ayurvedic medicine because they know it does not have any side effects. There are many useful medicines in Ayurveda that are made from only using the properties of plants. We have thousands of plants that can be used in various forms to cure diseases.

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Essay on the Uses of Plants and Trees

Plants give us life in many ways and we must respect Mother Nature. Without plants, we cannot live and we must start paying attention to this fact. Today humans are becoming more cruel to Mother Nature because they know the misfortune that we can suffer.

Humans interfere with plant life which causes damage to the environment. Endangering the earth comes back to us in a bad way and it’s about time we realized its importance. We must plant different types of trees in our house. There are both outdoor and indoor plants available.

In cities, people must have green spaces. They must introduce plants in their home to get fresh air. Plants can also increase the level of happiness in the home. There are many ways to increase the level of greenery. Planting trees, developing gardens and making people aware of the importance of greenery.

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