essay on transportation in english


Essay On Transportation in English

Essay On Transportation in English, Man is a social and curious animal who is always looking for new things for the development of society. A man is a man who has found a way to improve a months-long expedition from his invention in a few hours. From this, it means that the means we use to go from one place to another, it is known as a means of transportation. There are many different types of transportation around the world. There are trains, bicycles, buses, bullock carts, airplanes, etc.

essay on transportation in english

Transport Essay in English

Transportation Essay in English

Ways of transportation in ancient times

How did people move from one place to another in ancient times? At that time, there was not much development. A man is not very advanced, this is the reason why he often moves from one place to another on foot. After some time, he started using animals for transportation.

Since the invention of the wheel, animals have been used as means of transportation in the form of ox carts. After that, rickshaws came into existence.

Transportation is one of the main requirements for specialization. Transportation is the only method that allows the manufacture and consumption of products to take place in different locations or places and this is how spatial utility is done.

Transportation is the movement of goods and people from one location to another. Throughout history, the military power and economic wealth of people or nations have been closely related to different effective methods of transportation.

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Transport is something, which provides access to natural resources and promotes trade. In this way, transportation allows a country to accumulate power and wealth. By means of transportation, it is also defined as a means, in which the movement of equipment, supplies, and troops can take place so that a country can go to war.

The transportation system is important to the economy of a country. When it comes to the main factor in economic competition, it is important to reduce the cost of transporting natural resources to manufacturing sites and moving finished goods to the market.

The world has the largest transportation industry. The economic development of any country depends on increasing the rationality and capacity of transportation with different modes such as roads, railways, water, air, pipelines, cables, and even space.

All these modes have their benefits and drawbacks. The entire transportation sector has been categorized into infrastructure, operations, and vehicles. The different types of vehicles in this range may include bicycles, cars, trains, buses, trucks, watercraft, helicopters, planes and spaceships.

Mode of Transportation Essay

There are different types of transport, which refers to the combination of networks, operations, vehicles and infrastructure. These include walking, ship transport, road transport systems, rail transport systems, and modern aviation. Over time, different modes of transportation have evolved. Generally, there are 5 modes of transport, which are mentioned below:

  • Road transport
  • water transportation
  • Rail transport
  • air transportation
  • Pipeline transportation

Road transport

When it comes to road transport, it exists in all parts of the world. This transportation involves the use of motorized vehicles such as cars, bicycles, buses, trucks, and lorries. Different types of roads are available based on size and function.

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Some roads are paved while others are not. Modern roads are the best roads connecting major cities. When comparing road transport with other modes of transport, it is more flexible than others. It’s a bit faster and cheaper. This type of transport has a greater capacity to carry goods over short distances. The main drawback with this mode of transport is its maintenance.

Rail transport

The invention of the railway took place during the period of the industrial revolution in the 19th century. At that time, this mode of transport was partly used for political and economic purposes. They are designed to penetrate remote areas of many countries so that they can promote political unity.

There are various advantages of rail transport, which also include the provision of reliable services. Through this mode of transport, we can deliver heavy and bulky goods. It is a safe, cheap and comfortable method of transportation for transportation over long distances.

water transportation

Another method of transportation is water transportation. It is one of the most important modes of transportation in the world. It seems to be a cheaper way to move large items over long distances such as from one country to another. There are 2 major types of water transportation that we can see in the world such as land and sea water transportation.

  • Inland water transport is a mode of transport through all navigable rivers, lakes and man-made canals. Different major rivers around the world are used by barges and ships for transportation purposes.
  • Sea water transport carries a lot of trade around the world. This is because most materials, bulk goods and passengers travel by sea from one country to another at the most cost-effective rate.
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Air transportation

The introduction of air transport occurred in 1903, but it was fully developed into a complete means of transporting goods and people in the 1930s. After the Second World War, the largest air transport began. Local or foreign people can travel through this mode of transport. There are domestic and international flights.

Pipeline transportation

It involves the use of hollow pipes in water transportation systems to transport crude oil, gas, and petroleum. This transport system is considered safer than using a trailer or tanker in the movement of this liquid.

There are also other modes of transport, namely:

  • Animal powered transport
  • Human powered transportation
  • Cable transport
  • Space flight


Since there are many types of transportation methods that we can use, it depends on the destination and the use of facilities. We can choose the mode of transportation according to our wishes and interests. Distance is very important when choosing a transportation system.

At the same time, when we travel in any mode of transport, it is our responsibility to maintain its rules and regulations, cleanliness, etc.

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