Here’s who Trump could pick as his vice president


Here’s who Trump could pick as his vice president

The Donald Trump veepstakes are in full swing.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-Schuylerville) — who recently shined at the Congressional hearings that have burned the heads of America’s top universities — is among the top contenders.

Stefanik, 39, a modest man, has become one of Trump’s staunchest supporters.

He called her a “killer” and she gave her first surrogate stump speech for Trump in New Hampshire on Saturday.

JD Vance — Ohio’s young senator won his election in 2022 largely thanks to Trump’s endorsement and has since become a reliable foot soldier for the former president.

In the last Republican primary in New Hampshire, Trump won independent voters with 36% in a large field of 11 candidates, according to exit polls. Getty Images Sen. JD Vance offers a MAGA package for the younger generation. Getty Images

“I will help Trump however I can because I think he is a good president, and I think the American people will benefit from having him. [as] president again,” Vance, 39, recently told CNN.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders — Sarah Sanders is Trump’s press secretary and the two remain close.

Unlike most of Trump’s term, Sanders emerged from his White House unscathed by scandal and went on to become governor of Arkansas, where he was popular.

In Trumpland Sanders, 41, is best remembered for his unwavering loyalty and softer touch, which could help the former president with women voters.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders is well known in Trump land for her unwavering loyalty. AP

Tim Scott – the mild-mannered South Carolina senator and one-time Trump opponent endorsed him on Friday.

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Scott, 58, has the juice of Christian voters and will appeal to many of the same members of Trump’s 2016 winning coalition.

“Choosing Tim Scott is a choice that grows the party while strengthening support from longtime Republican and evangelical voters … and is someone who isn’t afraid to take on the media,” said one fan.

Senator Tim Scott can help with black voters and Christian conservatives AFP via Getty Images

Nikki Haley — Trump remains officially at war with the former United Nations ambassador, but many establishment and donor-class Republicans see Haley, 52, as his best shot at expanding his coalition and returning to the White House.

“If it’s a really tight race, you might have some people who don’t like Trump who hate Democrats and that gives them a reason to vote for him,” said veteran Dem pollster James Carville.

Nikki Haley is seen by many as the unity pick. Aristide Economopoulos

Tucker Carlson — A group of liberals, the former Fox News host would be the dream candidate of many Trump die-hards who are looking for someone who embodies the ideas of the MAGA movement but can be offered to voters in a younger, more disciplined package.

Some also believe that liberals’ hatred of Carlson, 54, will be Trump’s best protection against impeachment and removal from office by a Democratic congress — which is even more loathe to give Carlson the top job.

Tucker Carlson will delight the MAGA base – and terrify progressives.

“Tucker will certainly serve as a hedge against any Deep State machinations against the president, and his election will rally the base.

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Tucker is the most floated right-wing prospect,” said Gavin Wax, president of the Young Republicans Club of New York.

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