Morgan Nick Update: Is She Found Or Still Missing?


Morgan Nick Update: Is She Found Or Still Missing?

Morgan Nick disappeared almost two decades ago. He’s the subject of a new Hulu show. Has he ever been found? Is he still alive? These are some of the questions the show will address.

But, here is a brief article on what we know at the moment. Work out with us and keep scrolling down to learn more.

Morgan Nick’s Kindapping Case

Morgan Nick was taken from a minor league baseball game in Alma, Arkansas, at 10:45 pm on June 9, 1995, by an unknown man. He had joined some of his friends to catch bugs while watching the game with his mother. When he stopped to clean sand from his shoes, Morgan was last seen standing near his mother’s car.

“I remember standing outside the fire station on the fourth day and someone said to me, ‘It’s only been four days,’ thought that helped,” Morgan’s mother, Colleen Nick, said in 2008.

Witnesses saw a man watching Morgan as he played with other children in the park. A red Ford pickup with a white camper parked nearby that disappeared at the same time as Morgan was also seen by eyewitnesses. The tent was reportedly four to five inches too short for the truck, which had small tire treads and old paint and possibly damage to the right rear. The truck’s license plate is believed to be from Arkansas.

The man is described as white, 6 feet tall, medium to stocky build, with a one-inch mustache and beard. He was estimated to be between 23 and 38 years old at the time.

“Children and when I say children could be teenagers, could be younger children approached by a man in a red truck with a white camper. We believe someone knows who was at the playground that night and who was driving the red truck with the white camper,” said police chief Jeff Pointer Alma.

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Morgan was about 4 feet tall, weighed about 55 pounds, and had brown hair and blue eyes at the time of her disappearance. Morgan’s teeth were covered with five different silver crowns. She was wearing a green Girl Scout t-shirt, blue denim shorts and white tennis shoes when last seen. Thousands of leads have been followed up after an exhaustive investigation, however, there is still no conclusive lead as to where Morgan Nick or his possible abductors may be.

Authorities have been following up on leads, gathering information, searching homes and sharing images of Morgan as she ages. A $60,000 reward is being offered by the FBI and local communities for the safe return of Morgan Chauntel Nick and the identity, arrest and conviction of the person or persons who abducted him.

FBI agents publicly identified Billy Jack Links as a person of interest in the investigation in November 2021 and are asking for the public’s help in finding out more about him. After attempting to kidnap a child two months after Morgan Nick disappeared, Lincks was found guilty of sexual indecency.

The girl told police that the man made sexual advances towards her, offered her cash, and offered to pay her to get into his truck and accompany her to his home. The police were called when the girl ran away. A warrant for Lincks’ arrest was issued the next day after a witness reported the Arkansas license plate to police.

A red 1986 Chevrolet Scottsdale pickup vehicle was investigated by investigators from various law enforcement organizations, and evidence was found inside. Blood was found on the seat of the truck, according to crime lab data. Hair samples were also found among different objects found by investigators. Lab workers discovered that there was insufficient DNA information in the blonde’s blood and hair to ensure a match.

According to a recent documentary, law enforcement authorities also found blue-green cotton fibers on the truck’s metal parts and under the seat cushions. Microscopically, FBI experts were able to connect the fibers to a Girl Scout shirt similar to the one Morgan was wearing when she disappeared.

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Billy Jack Links was born and raised in Crawford County, Arkansas. During the years between 1962 and 1974, he worked at Braniff Airlines in Dallas after serving in the Army during World War II. In the late 1970s, Links returned to Van Buren. He died in prison in 2000 at the age of seventy-six.

Morgan Nick was picked up from Alma, which is about 10 minutes down the interstate from Van Buren.

“Whether through school, work, church, or any social activity, we need information about Links and details about his entire life,” the press release read. “Remember, every piece of information about the Lincks’ life is important – no detail is too small or insignificant.”

Morgan Nick Update: Has He Been Found Or Is He Still Missing?

The story continues from there in the Hulu documentary series. Billy’s red truck was seized by the police. They check it and preserve it for a long time. It was recently auctioned. When the police found him, they did another search of the car. Blood was found on the dashboard, and they also found a blonde hair under the floor covering. Additionally, they found blue-green cotton fibers on the metal side of the truck and under the seats on the mat.

The federal crime lab received the item. Lab workers discovered that there was insufficient DNA information in the blonde’s blood and hair to ensure a match. At the microscopic level, they were able to connect the fiber to a Girl Scout shirt similar to the one Morgan was wearing when she was kidnapped.

In April 2021, Still missing Morgan, a documentary about his case, aired in Arkansas. It was created in an effort to generate new leads. It contains data and films never before available to the public.

The Alma Police Department received over 300 leads as a result of the documentary, some of which were very plausible and never made public. The documentary and the clues, according to Colleen, give her hope that Morgan will be found. To give more publicity to this case, there are also prospective plans to air the documentary nationwide.

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The documentary also gives hope to Morgan’s mother, Colleen.

Is Morgan Nick Alive Or Dead?

It is unclear whether Morgan Nick is alive or dead.

Police were notified that Morgan had been buried near Booneville, Arkansas, in January 2002. They dug the ground for several hours and included a police dog in their hunt. But there was no sign of him anywhere. Convicted criminals Tonya Smith and James Monhart were arrested in June 2012 for computer fraud after trying to impersonate her.

Morgan’s birth certificate is among the important personal documents Tonya is reportedly trying to obtain. Police, however, do not think they are responsible for her disappearance. Police were alerted to Morgan’s case on December 18, 2017, and this led them to a property in Spiro, Oklahoma, 25 miles from Alma.

Local police, the FBI, and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation were all involved. A well at the location became the focus of the investigation when a cadaver dog pointed it out. However, despite hours of digging and searching, nothing was found.

It is interesting to note that the same house was previously searched by the police in 2010 in connection with the Morgan case. It is said to belong to a man who has been targeted ever since. He’s currently in jail on unrelated charges, but he won’t talk about the case.

Related FAQs

  • When Was Morgan Nick Born?

Morgan Nick was born on September 12, 1988.

  • Who Are Morgan Nick’s Parents?

Morgan Nick was born to her parents John and Colleen Nick.

  • Does Morgan Nick Have Siblings?

At the time Morgan Nick disappeared, she had two siblings: 3-year-old Logan and 1-year-old Taryn.

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