natural disasters essay in english


Natural Disasters Essay in English

Natural Disasters Essay in English, Natural disasters are very powerful and can claim many lives. Extreme events caused by nature are called natural disasters. Cyclones, diseases, floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions are all natural disasters and can affect any part of the earth. Natural disasters are something we cannot control. Some natural disasters are man-made and others are natural. There are many sensitive areas where earthquakes can completely destroy cities and countries.

natural disaster essay in english

Natural Disaster Essay in English

Natural Disaster Essay

There are different types of natural disasters and there are also subtypes of these natural disasters.


Earthquakes are natural and we have no control over them. Earthquakes occur when there is a sudden release of energy in the earth’s core. The release of this energy creates seismic waves that come to the surface of the earth and cause shaking vibrations and also displacement of the bottom. Earthquakes are geological faults. The starting point of an earthquake is called the epicenter. It’s a rare event but if it’s big on the scale of a reactor it can completely wipe out life and buildings.

Earthquakes are secondary events that can shake the earth so that they can cause fires, collapse even the largest buildings, and cause volcanic eruptions. Today with the help of technology we can know the strength and timing of earthquakes and with careful planning and early warning, many lives can be saved.


Overflowing water can completely submerge the land and is called a flood. The water that covers the ground is not just water, it comes with a lot of debris such as broken trees, concrete, poles, and many other things that can harm any human being caught in the flood. Floods occur due to deforestation, climate change, etc. A major flood can cause a lot of destruction. Until now India has experienced floods and the people have to bear many problems due to floods.

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Avalanche is not just snow that starts from the mountain. On a downward slope when a lot of material from the slope such as soil, rocks, trees, and water comes down is also called an avalanche. In world war I it is reported that about 40-80,000 soldiers died from avalanches while they were campaigning in the mountains in the Alps.

Avalanches occur in mountainous areas and they can occur naturally or due to human error. The soldiers died because the cannon fire caused an avalanche.

Volcanic eruptions

Volcanic eruptions are very destructive. Underwater volcanic eruptions can also cause tsunamis. Volcanic eruptions also cause earthquakes in nearby areas. Humans cannot control this natural disaster. There are many active volcanoes on earth and from time to time they erupt. Many rocks and lava come out of volcanoes that can harm animals, humans, and even ocean life.

Volcanic eruptions also cause volcanic ash that can form thick clouds in many locations. Windows, broken glasses, roofs and many buildings collapsed. Smoke from volcanic eruptions can cause respiratory problems in humans. Volcanic eruptions are very dangerous to humans.


Tsunami comes from the Japanese word and means seismic sea wave. Tsunamis occur as a result of volcanic eruptions in the ocean. It also usually occurs in large lakes and under the ocean. Landslides can also cause tsunamis. It is another dangerous natural disaster that can destroy the land near the ocean.

Tsunamis can destroy all communities living near the ocean. When a large wave of water comes into an urban area it can flood the area. There have been many tsunamis in the past which proved to be very dangerous for Indians. Today we have technology that can warn us of tsunamis.

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There are different types of typhoons that are natural disasters such as hurricanes, typhoons, tropical cyclones, and typhoons. Cyclones are strong winds and they can destroy anything that approaches them. Most cyclones occur in the tropics and oceans. Hurricanes cause a large amount of destruction every year in many parts of the world.

Many villages, towns and cities have become victims of hurricanes and typhoons. Typhoons have also claimed many lives in the past. It is impossible for humans to control cyclones. We can get typhoon warnings and people can hide in their shelters in case of typhoon and typhoon warnings.

forest fire

Forest fires are man-made due to global warming and people during campaigns or conscious mistakes can cause forest fires. The natural causes of forest fires are drought and lightning. Global warming is a serious threat to all humans and other life we ​​share our planet with.

Recently, the Australian bushfires completely destroyed many animals and forest life. The forest fire is also the cause of 1700 people Peshtigo fire. Forest fires also destroy a large part of the forest which again leads to floods and other natural disasters.


Drought is caused by the loss of rain in the area. When there is no rain, the entire land becomes infertile and no crops can be grown on that land. Drought areas have to experience a lot of heat and no water even to drink. In drought areas water scarcity is a never-ending issue. There I solved this problem and that was by planting more trees.

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Natural Disaster Essay 200 Words

Natural disasters always threaten the lives of humans, animals and birds. A large number of people can be wiped out due to natural disasters. There are many other natural disasters such as solar flares, diseases, air explosions, etc. There are many things we can detect and warn about and some things we cannot control. Global warming is the main cause of natural disasters. Many catastrophes will be controlled if we start paying towards global warming.

It is a serious issue that can take the life of the earth and destroy it completely. Deforestation, land mining, consistent human development, and improper use of natural resources lead to natural disasters. Natural disasters are a threat to humanity and can be controlled if we take care of global warming.

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