Passengers support man who was arrested for opening plane door, walking on wing after 4-hour delay: ‘He saved our lives’


Passengers support man who was arrested for opening plane door, walking on wing after 4-hour delay: ‘He saved our lives’

A man was arrested after he stormed out of a plane’s emergency door and walked out onto the wing after a four-hour delay at Mexico City airport – but other passengers say he saved their lives.

An AeroMexico plane bound for Guatemala was parked and waiting to take off at Mexico City International Thursday when a bored passenger exited the plane and then reentered the cabin “without harming the plane or other people,” airport officials said.

He later turned himself into police, according to the airport.

However, dozens of passengers signed written statements claiming the airline made them wait for four hours without ventilation or water while the flight was delayed.

They said the man’s apparent exaggeration was “to protect everyone, with everyone’s support.”

“Delays and lack of air create a situation that endangers the health of passengers. He saved our lives,” according to a picture of the statement posted online.

At least 77 passengers on the flight signed a statement in support of the man’s actions, handwritten on notebook paper, pictures show.

An incident report filed with the airport confirmed the passenger’s complaint.

A man was arrested after he stormed out of a plane’s emergency exit and walked out onto the wing after a four-hour delay at Mexico City airport even though passengers said he saved their lives. AP The Aeromexico plane was grounded for four hours when the man exited the emergency door. AP passengers on the plane said there was no ventilation or water while they were stuck waiting to take off. AP

“Around 11:37 a.m., a Mexican airline reported the beginning of disruption due to passenger dissatisfaction on flight AM672,” according to the report.

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“The flight was scheduled to depart at 8:45 a.m. Thursday, but due to a maintenance alert on the aircraft, the captain had to return to the gate for necessary maintenance.”

“The passengers were not happy and one of them opened the emergency door and stepped out in the wing,” the report said.

“This event requires the plane to be changed.”

Video recorded on the flight showed passengers fanning themselves and asking flight attendants for water.

The flight tracking site confirmed that flight AM672 to Guatemala City was delayed for 4 hours and 56 minutes Thursday.

It is unclear if the man is still in custody or facing any charges.

By Postal Wire

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