Pennsylvania prison beefing up security after murderer Danelo Cavalcante’s embarrassing jailbreak


Pennsylvania prison beefing up security after murderer Danelo Cavalcante’s embarrassing jailbreak

The Pennsylvania prison where inmate Danelo Cavalcante made a sneaky escape is reportedly beefing up security after the infamous jailbreak.

The Chester County Jail will block access to its roof and remove its guard post when inmates exercise in the yard, according to TMZ.

The temporary upgrade – which also includes guards stationed on the roof – is intended to prevent other inmates from imitating Cavalcante, the convicted murderer who escaped from the lock-up on August 31 by climbing two walls.

Once on the roof, the tiny 5-foot-tall killer dove through the barbed wire and sprinted across the roof to freedom, TMZ said.

A new barrier blocking access to the roof has been placed behind razor wire, according to the outlet.

District officials also gave the green light to a proposal that would build a roof over the prison’s training area, TMZ said. And prison officials will review surveillance procedures as well.

When he fled, Cavalcante had just been sentenced to life in prison for stabbing his ex-girlfriend to death in front of their two young children in 2021.

Danilo CavalcanteDanelo Cavalcante, 34, escaped from the Chester County Jail on August 31 and was on the run for nearly two weeks in southern Pennsylvania. AP
Authorities arrested Danelo Cavalcante in the woods. Authorities captured Cavalcante last week when Yoda, a police K-9, sank his teeth into the wily killer and pinned him to the ground.

He spent nearly two weeks on the run in southeastern Pennsylvania, eating stolen watermelon, drinking river water and hiding in the woods from hundreds of local, state and federal officials frantically searching for him.

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Some of the police officers approached the killer without realizing it — Cavalcante told authorities after his scare that they almost ran over him three times as he hid in thick bushes.

“They were about seven to eight yards from him,” US Marshal Robert Clark told NewsNation last week.

Danelo Cavalcante after he was recaptured.Cavalcante said authorities were so close to him during the manhunt that they nearly ran over him. via REUTERS

“We believe he is very honest,” Clark continued. “He explained things like hiding his poop under leaves so we couldn’t spot him.”

Cavalcante told police that his end game was to use the gun he swiped from the homeowner’s garage to take control of the car and flee to Canada or Puerto Rico.

“He said he would do it in the next 24 hours,” Clark said. “And that’s why he kept the gun. He knew he needed a weapon to get a vehicle.”

Shot of the prison area from which Danelo Cavalcante escaped.Cavalcante escapes by crab walking up two walls and running across the roof in a mad dash to freedom. AP

Authorities finally caught the mini-killer last Wednesday morning, when a Belgian Malinois K-9 named Yoda sank his teeth into Cavalcante and pinned him to the ground.

It’s not the first time Cavalcante has taken off after allegedly killing someone.

He is suspected of shooting dead a friend in 2017 over a dispute over car repair payments in his hometown in Brazil.

After the murder, he hid in a Brazilian ranch for several weeks before heading north and illegally entering the US.

A preliminary hearing for Cavalcante was set for Sept. 27, according to court documents, which state he was denied bail.

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