Quick Fixes for Discord Login Issues and Related Problems


Quick Fixes for Discord Login Issues and Related Problems

Discord is a community game sharing app that is widely and specifically used non-stop by gamers and non-gamers around the world for hours. The app is in demand for gaming as well as seamless calling while gaming, crediting Discord among the most popular game chat apps. But, lately, users have been facing some Discord glitches/login errors/resolved and unresolved issues. Discord login issues can be frustrating at times, but they can also be resolved with some quick fixes.

But luckily, you have clicked on the right website, where we will walk you through all the possible reasons, problems, and permanent solutions regarding Discord login so that you can continue playing and chatting through Discord without any hassle.

Let’s go deeper into the page!

Before you start troubleshooting and fixing it, we recommend that you start with these two basic methods: “Reboot your device” (simply turn your device off and on after 5 seconds) and if available, try “Check for Discord for Updates” (Just go to Play Store or App Store and check for updates.) In case these first hand methods don’t work, just follow the page to the end!

Why is your discord not allowing you to login all of a sudden?

If you just created your Discord account and you can’t log in, there could be many reasons such as: Changed or invalid Discord password, lots of corrupted cache files, traffic or internet connectivity issues, DNS server errors and more. due to which Discord does not allow you to log into your Discord account.

One of the most experienced reasons by users is Discord disabled due to a violation of Discord guidelines. There may be times when you will experience a massive ban wave. Right now, many users are suddenly logging out of their accounts, due to being flagged or disabled for suspicious activity or violating the Community Guidelines.

In case your Discord account is flagged or disabled, you may receive an email notification from Discord as below, which will inform you about your activities that caused your Discord account to be flagged:

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In case you receive a similar email as shown above, it will confirm that your email is disabled or marked as a bot.

In order to enable your account quickly, from this state, we suggest that you follow the methods provided below, which will allow you to eliminate the error:

Easy Solutions to Solve All Kinds of Discord Login Issues

Let’s get started with the one-click methods to quickly resolve issues:

You should try to change your Discord account password or username through Discord password support.

Changing the password will not only fix the problem, but it will also improve your account security and automatically resolve any other password leak related issues.

REMEMBER: Changing your password will help you to log out of all other devices that you may not know about.

Just follow the steps below:

In case your Discord problems are caused by password issues (forgotten password or invalid password), you can directly follow the steps to change your password:

  • Step 1 – Enter your email address and instead of entering your password, click on ‘Forgot Password’.

Click on Forgot your password?

  • Step 2 – Discord will send you a verification link to your email, as shown below, to reset your password. Go to your email and click the link, you will automatically be taken to a page to log in and choose your new password and click Reset Password

Reset Discord Password Via Email Link

  • Step 3: Now enter a new password and click Change Password. You will be directed to the browser version of Discord, with an updated password.

change discord password

After the above method, let’s look at another method that might help you get rid of login errors caused by server issues:

Here is the video to help you reset Discord password:

YouTube video

Domain services translated from DNS to IP addresses.

In case your DNS or IP is configured differently. You can configure it by changing the preferred DNS to or alternate DNS to and check if the fixes have helped.

For iOS devices,

  • Step 1: Go to Settings
  • Step 2: Go to WiFi and connect to the Network
  • Step 3 – Select on the informational icon and under IP Settings, change DHCP to Static.
  • Step 4 – Scroll down the page and click on Configure DNS
  • Step 5 – Select Manual and click on the DNS servers you want.
Recommended IP address: or (Google DNS) OR 2001:4860:4860::8888 or 2001:4860:4860::8844
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These junk files can accumulate and stack to bloat the background and can eventually cause problems while using the Discord app.

for windows,

  • Step 1: Go to Windows Data Files and type %appdata%discord in the search bar at the top of File Explorer to see the following screen:

Find Discord Cache Files in File Explorer

  • Step 2 – Browse and select under Cache, Code Cache, and GPU Cache.
  • Step 3 – After selecting the above, click on Remove
  • Step 1: Go to Finder and click Go from the menu bar. Scroll down this tab and click Go to Folder.
  • Step 2 – A text popup will appear in the Go To Folder tab, enter ~/Library/Application Support/discord/ and click the Go tab
  • Step 3 – Find three folders: Cache, Code Cache, and GPU Cache. And delete these three folders.
  • Step 4 – After completing the steps above, click Save.
  • Step 1 – Click Settings
  • Step 2: Select and connect to your WiFi network
  • Step 3: Select on the I tab, plus network
  • Step 4 – Scroll down to IP Settings
  • Step 5 – Select on Static
  • Step 6 – When the new section opens, enter the IP address of your choice to continue using the Discord app without any issues.
  • Step 1 – Go to your Google Chrome or web browser via chrome://net-internals/#dns
  • Step 2 – By opening the above link, you will see the following page and from here, you need to click on Clear Host Cache:

Clear host cache for DNS services

If the above methods still haven’t worked, easily check the following method:

Try deleting the app and installing it again, either from the App Store, Play Store, or through the web browser.

There are other methods that can help you detect and resolve Discord login issues automatically. Let us begin!

There may be times when the Discord app services are down and weak all over the world. To check, first, go to Discord Status and if the same has been confirmed. Just wait until Services are back to normal.

Or you can go to Downdetector and check the Discord connectivity status.

In case your patience and waiting have been in vain and you are still unable to continue using your Discord account. Just read the easy to use manual.

Now you can check and solve all problems with one click!

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Also check out this related video:

YouTube video

If there are troubleshooting errors when using Discord through Windows 10, right-click Discord File Explorer>>Select Compatibility Troubleshoot. This will automatically scan and fix your discord errors.

Discord can get hacked sometimes, and to resolve it, just go directly to

Discord support for hacked account and submit your request regarding the hack issue.

If by any chance your Discord account is not working over the phone or you are unable to log into your Discord account over the phone, we have an alternative for you as below:

Discord not logging in via phone?

You can easily use the Discord app directly by logging into the Google web browser via Discord web login.

After clicking on the website, log in directly to your Discord account and voila!

Has a new login been detected?

See what to do!

If you suspect a new Discord login, you should practice these two steps mentioned below:

  • Step 1 – Make sure to connect and communicate with Discord Support
  • Step 2 – You can set your mobile devices as primary mobile devices so that you can easily check notifications if someone tries to log into your account.

For this, you will be shown the location, device and IP, then two buttons – “yes” or “no”. This will decrease the verification time to log in to Discord through another location.

You can also watch this related video:

YouTube video

Avoid Discord login issues

Preventive measures to protect Discord from login issues or any other issues, so you don’t get frustrated with all these issues over and over again:

To enable 2-factor authentication, simply follow the steps below:

  • Step 1 – Go to Discord Settings on the bottom left and click on Enable 2 Factor Authentication on the next page:

Enable 2-factor authentication in the Discord web browser

  • Step 2: Enter your Discord Password to verify and click Continue:

Enter your discord password

  • Step 3 – When you see the following screen, follow the prompts and instructions and click Activate:

Activate Google Authenticator

If nothing works, just go directly to the Discord Help Center.

Or, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Go to Discord Support and click on the Help tab on the following screen:

discord support

  • Step 2 – Clicking on the Help tab, simply enter the keywords of your Discord issues and queries in the bar below:

Enter your Queries in Discord Help

Categories: Technology