Tiffany Haddish & Aries Spears Child Molestation Case Dismissed


Tiffany Haddish & Aries Spears Child Molestation Case Dismissed

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Jane Doe Filed To Dismiss Case

The photo shows Tiffany Haddish in a sizzling black dress.Instagram | Tiffany Haddish

Jane Doe allegedly filed to dismiss the case indefinitely according to documents obtained by TMZ. A judge dismissed the case with prejudice this week. That means Jane Doe can’t turn around and refile the case against Haddish and Spears.

The woman involved issued a statement after the paperwork was filed. “My family and I have known Tiffany Haddish for years – and we now know that she would never harm me or my brother,” he admitted.

He also will not “help others do anything that could harm us. We wish Tiffany the best and are glad we can all put this behind us.”

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Jane Doe And Her Mother File Case

Tiffany Haddish & Aries Avoid Child Abuse CaseInstagram/Aries Spears

The case involves two comedians, Jane Doe simultaneously accusing them of “beautifying” and “molesting” her and her brother while on set for a skit drama filmed several years ago. He claims that at the time he didn’t realize how inappropriate the skit they were filming was.

Jane Doe also asserted that the scene was intended to sexualize minors at the time. He specifically included that Haddish did scenes in her movie that simulated oral sex with food. She went on to claim her brother’s abuse was similar to hers. He appeared in a skit intended to be a pedophile fantasy.

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At first, Haddish and Spears dismissed the accusations and even commented through lawyers that they were blackmailed in a sense.

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Tiffany Haddish Takes Back Her Comments

Tiffany Haddish Billy Crystal movie apos s quot HERE TODAY quotMEGA

The comedian later came out and gave a more in-depth statement regarding the misleading allegations.

“I know people have a lot of questions. I understand. I’m right there with you. Unfortunately, because there’s an ongoing legal case, there’s very little I can say right now.”

He also expressed regret for being involved in skits that went too far.

“Obviously, although this sketch was intended to be a comedy, it wasn’t funny at all – and I deeply regret agreeing to act in it. I look forward to sharing more about this situation as soon as possible.”

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Tiffany Haddish’s Lawyer Speaks Out Against Jane Doe & Her Family

Tiffany Haddish Speaks at the JUNITEENTH amp ABLM Celebration Sponsored by The Laugh FactoryMEGA

Andrew Brettler spoke with TMZ when the news first broke. He had nothing positive to say about the situation or Jane Doe’s mother. She basically made it seem like her mother was leading a hate campaign against comedians.

“Every lawyer who had initially taken on her case — and there were several — eventually dropped the matter when it became clear that the claim was not meritorious and that Ms. Haddish would not be swayed. Now, Ms. Morris has her adult daughter representing her in this lawsuit. They will both face the consequences of continuing this frivolous act.”

Now that the case has been dismissed, Haddish can get back to focusing on work. Spears has long since moved on to the bullying incident with singer Lizzo.

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Did you notice he was not mentioned anywhere in the statement Jane Doe released this week?

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