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Donald Trump Displayed A ‘Subdued’ Demeanor During Victory Speech As A ‘Gift’ To Melania

A body language expert has claimed that Donald Trump’s “submissive” demeanor in his Super Tuesday victory was a gift to his wife, Melania Trump.

Earlier reports claimed that the former first lady asked the billionaire tycoon to appear more presidential during the speech, possibly prompting his behavior at the event.

Melania, however, has been conspicuously absent from many of her campaign events, including her Super Tuesday victory speech.

Body Language Expert Claims Donald Trump Takes More Care of His Ego Than Usual Thanks to Melania

President Trump Holds Departure Ceremony Before Florida TripMEGA

In an interview with mirror, body language expert Judi James claimed that Trump appeared more “subdued” in his Super Tuesday victory speech, a departure from his typical style at such events.

“Trump’s election speeches are often a patchwork of arrogance, self-aggrandizement, naked anger, and some comedy, but this speech is primarily a one-note, one-note performance,” James said.

“Apart from a quick, biting taunt when he mentioned Joe Biden’s name, he kept his emotions and inflated ego in check more than usual in terms of his non-verbal cues,” he added.

James also described Trump’s delivery style as “a complete change of gear” toward “the calm and manner of the president.”

According to the expert, the Republican front-runner may have been inspired to make the change as a “gift” to his wife, Melania, who is said to have asked him to act more presidential on several occasions.

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Is Donald Trump’s Body Language Meant To Get Perverted Votes?

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James also offered an alternative explanation for Trump’s behavior.

“Getting more presidential posts as he gets closer to the White House could be a body language technique aimed at picking up stray votes and even converting undecideds,” the body’s expert said.

“It seems to imply that his roadshow is a deliberate panto but this is a man you can vote into office,” James added.

Already, Trump’s chances of being re-elected president are gaining momentum after he led the Republican primary on Super Tuesday.

Trump now leads with 995 delegates, compared to Nikki Haley’s 89. His margin of victory in various states is noteworthy, boasting 70% margins in Alabama and California and 61% in Texas.

With the possibility of overtaking Trump’s lead looking impossible, Haley was forced out of the race. Trump is now on track to collect the 1,215 delegates needed to capture the Republican presidential nomination later this month.

The Supreme Court Recently Restored Donald Trump to the Colorado Vote

US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are seen driving in a vehicle after arriving on Air Force One at Palm Beach International AirportMEGA

Trump’s victory on Super Tuesday was compounded by his recent victory over Colorado’s effort to oust him from its presidential primary.

A few days ago, the US Supreme Court ruled that the state has no right to take such action, adding that such power belongs to Congress under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. The unanimous decision effectively overturned previous disqualifications from Maine and Illinois.

During the proceedings, the court focused only on which entities could enforce the rebellion provision, which was used to disqualify Trump in several states before. In doing so, they wisely avoided addressing some of the most contentious political aspects of the case, such as determining whether Trump was actually involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, uprising.

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MAGA Supporters Furious At Melania For Her Absence During Her Husband’s Super Tuesday Speech

Donald Trump's Marriage To Melania Was Allegedly About 'Business And Not Pleasure'MEGA

As the Trump campaign continued to heat up, Melania made only a few appearances, drawing the ire of MAGA supporters.

Shortly after going MIA at the billionaire’s Super Tuesday victory speech, they took to X (formerly Twitter) to slam the former model.

One said, “[Melania] want Biden to win more than anyone. She has to act like she’s Trump’s wife again and he can’t stand it. She doesn’t want to be forced to be in the same house as him most of the time.”

Another fan tagged her X account, “Well…you failed as a strong Historical woman now! WHERE ARE YOU? THE VICTORY SPEECH ON SUPER TUESDAY WAS AT MAR A LAGO, SO I THOUGHT YOU WERE UPSTAIRS WATCHING TV? We love you, but you refuse to support your husband and show no interest in being First Lady!”

Trump previously claimed that Melania would join his campaign trail, but the former first lady has barely made any appearances to support him. The last time she was seen with the former president was at a gala held at Mar-a-Lago by the Trumpettes.

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