House Committee subpoenas Hunter Biden prosecutor who waved off Joe leads


House Committee subpoenas Hunter Biden prosecutor who waved off Joe leads

The House Judiciary Committee has issued a subpoena to Delaware’s assistant US attorney as part of a five-year investigation into Hunter Biden’s eldest son, following several refusals by the Justice Department to ask him to testify voluntarily.

Lesley Wolf had “first-hand knowledge” of the Hunter Biden case and attended “the vast majority, if not all” of the meetings held at Delaware US Attorney David Weiss’ office during the investigation, according to the Judiciary Chairman’s letter. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) sent Wolf on Tuesday, obtained by The Post.

The subpoena ordered Wolf to attend a deposition at 10 a.m. on Dec. 7 with authorized committee members and staff, a copy of the subpoena reviewed by The Post shows.

Jordan wrote that Wolf had made several decisions “either directly or by directing others” that “departed from standard investigative procedures,” according to previous testimony of two IRS whistleblowers given to the House Ways and Means Committee.

The ruling included informing Hunter Biden’s defense team of a possible search warrant for his storage facility and objecting to federal investigators’ plans to conduct the search.

Assistant US Attorney Lesley Wolf had “first-hand knowledge” of the Hunter Biden case and attended “the vast majority, if not all” of the meetings held throughout the investigation. AP House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) issued subpoenas for assistant prosecutors as part of a five-year investigation into Hunter Biden’s eldest son.AP

Wolf further discouraged a line of inquiry that could lead to Hunter’s father, President Biden, saying he did not want IRS or FBI agents asking questions “about the big man” or “daddy” because “there is no specific crime for that line of questioning,” Supervisory Special Agent IRS Gary Shapley testified.

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Another IRS document disclosed by the whistleblower revealed that Wolf also asked investigators to remove any reference to then-presidential candidate Joe Biden, which he said was outside the “scope” of their investigation.

Shapley’s personal notes from the Jan. 12, 2022 meeting also show Wolf said he was not “personally” interested in digging up a May 2021 report from tax investigators outlining alleged “criminal campaign finance violations” involving Hunter’s “sugar brother,” Kevin Morris, an attorney. which settles the first son’s $2 million tax liability.

Delaware US Attorney David Weiss was elevated to special counsel status in August after overseeing the five-year investigation into Hunter Biden.AP

Wolf also refused to allow investigators to conduct an interview with Hunter Biden’s adult child, according to Shapley and his fellow informant, IRS special agent Joseph Ziegler.

Jordan also referred to other testimony that recounted how Wolf “obstructed” a briefing by former Pittsburgh US Attorney Scott Brady on an FBI whistleblower file alleging Hunter and Joe Biden received $10 million in bribes from the owner of Burisma Holdings.

The then second son sat on the board of the Ukrainian gas company from 2014 to 2019 and was paid $1 million annually, despite having no relevant energy experience.

Wolf continued to discourage lines of inquiry that could lead to Hunter’s father, President Biden, saying he didn’t want IRS or FBI agents asking questions “about the big man” or “daddy.”

The file, which contained information about alleged corruption from a reliable confidential human source, was released last summer by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

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Brady told the House Judiciary Committee in an October deposition that members of Weiss’ office only agreed to hear the briefing after then-Chief Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue ordered it.

The House panel noted that Attorney General Merrick Garland had given “unconvincing” reasons for denying them the opportunity to impeach Wolf, leaving them with “no choice but to press” for potential legislative reform and their impeachment inquiry into the president.

The House panel noted that Attorney General Merrick Garland had given “unconvincing” reasons for denying them the chance to impeach Wolf, leaving them “no choice but to force it”.AP

“Given the critical role you played in the Hunter Biden investigation, you are in a unique position to clarify whether President Biden played any role in the Department’s investigation and whether he attempted, in any way, to directly or indirectly obstruct either that investigation or our investigation,” Jordan wrote.

The Justice Department has insisted that only its employees who have been confirmed by the Senate should be made available to testify, but Jordan disagreed, saying more than 90 years of precedent confirming line-level prosecutors have also been questioned.

Jordan also argued that federal prosecutors’ “ongoing investigation” of Hunter Biden, for whom Weiss was elevated to special counsel status in August, prevented them from conducting surveillance.

The Justice Department has maintained that only its staff members confirmed by the Senate should be made available for testimony, but Jordan disagreed, citing the precedent of others being impeached.AP

“The historical record is replete with examples of the Department providing information relevant to ongoing criminal investigations to congressional committees, including the exact type of information sought by the Committee in this investigation,” he wrote.

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Hunter Biden will face trial next year for allegedly lying on a gun purchase form about his drug use.

Weiss has also reportedly begun the process of instructing a federal grand jury in Los Angeles to consider further tax charges after a preliminary plea deal imploded in federal court last summer.

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