Jeffrey Dahmer’s former classmate on learning of the killer’s crimes: ‘I couldn’t fathom what I was reading’


Jeffrey Dahmer’s former classmate on learning of the killer’s crimes: ‘I couldn’t fathom what I was reading’

Fox News

Former classmate Jeffrey Dahmer revealed he learned about the cannibalistic serial killer’s crimes after reading a newspaper while on a train in Europe.

“I was in an unusual situation,” said Dr. Mike Kukral to FOX News Digital. “Most classmates, from what I know, of course, found out about it on television, on the front page of the newspaper, from their parents telling them that they might still be living at home if they had moved away, things like that.”

“I’m abroad, I’m in Europe, and I’ve been in Europe all year on a Fulbright scholarship, and I’m almost ready to go home. It was, I think, July or August of ’91, and I picked up a newspaper. I had a long train ride to go, and I picked up the newspaper, and it wasn’t on the front page, not very interesting, page two, page three. And then…there’s a picture of his family’s house in Bath. And I know the house well; everybody knows that’s where Jeff Dahmer lived, that house. And I saw the picture of the house, and then I read the article and I couldn’t understand what I was reading.”

Dr. Kukral, professor emeritus of the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, was classmates with the “Milwaukee Monster” during junior high and high school in the 1970s. He explained how “shocked” he was after learning of Dahmer’s crimes.

Photograph of Jeffrey Dahmer in August 1982 taken.Photograph of Jeffrey Dahmer in August 1982 taken. Getty Images

“I first thought it was his father who committed the murder. And then when I read the second paragraph, they used his first name, Jeffrey. I just sat there, stunned, I would say, on this train for hours with no one to talk to about it and just read this one short article,” he said. “I just sat there on this train for the next four or five hours thinking about this and thinking about Jeff Dahmer and thinking about high school and wondering what was going through his head, what made him do this.”

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“There is no explanation for something so horrific, this crime,” he added.

Dahmer was arrested in May 1991 by the Milwaukee Police Department.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer killed 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer killed 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. Curt Borgwardt

At the scene, officers found several severed human heads and many dismembered bodies.

Dahmer, a sex offender, committed the rape, murder and dismemberment of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991.

Many of his later murders involved necrophilia, cannibalism and limb preservation.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer's murder involved rape, necrophilia and cannibalism.Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer’s murder involved rape, necrophilia and cannibalism. Curt Borgwardt

The serial killer’s truly gruesome modus operandi was further exposed during his trial where he was convicted of 15 murders in Wisconsin.

According to the prosecutor, there is not enough evidence to charge him with the 16th murder.

He also pleaded guilty to the Ohio murder of a cyclist in 1978.

The gruesome murder of Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer first came to attention during the trial when he was convicted of 15 murders in Wisconsin. The gruesome murder of Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer first came to attention during the trial when he was convicted of 15 murders in Wisconsin. Curt Borgwardt

“How can you understand such a thing?” asked Kukral. “How can you think about anybody that you might know – I mean, think about everybody in the US who doesn’t know Jeff Dahmer and how shocked they are and how disgusted they are to read the news of this serial killer and the crimes he committed and the murders and everything . Imagine? Well, let’s take it up a few levels, a few notches and say, ‘Oh, yeah, by the way, I went to school with this kid. I knew him when we were teenagers.’ That’s another level.”

Dahmer was serving 15 consecutive prison terms in 1994 when he was beaten to death by fellow inmate Christopher Scarver.

Dr. Kukral told Fox News Digital how unsuspecting he was, having known Dahmer early in his life.

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“I will not say I am his friend. I don’t think he has close friends,” he said. “We see him a lot because my friend and I think he’s a funny guy. He does things to make us laugh. And he was in a lot of classes with me. So he was around all the time, a lot of friends of mine, but I don’t think he had any close friends really, in those years.”

“That’s how I know him, just someone in my class who’s a little different, a little funny.”

Given Dahmer’s eccentricities, Dr. Kukral explained that nothing about his behavior “would tell us anything dark or sinister about him.”

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was eventually killed by his friend, Christopher Scarver.Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was eventually killed by his fellow inmate Christopher Scarver.Marny Malin

“I thought maybe an interest in biology and in life was the only thing I could think of,” said Dr. Kukral. “But we didn’t think of it as something very bad at the time. It’s just, you know, some kids are into that stuff. Other kids don’t.”

The professor emeritus also shared a story about Dahmer’s “stupid,” “spontaneous” antics that he called in the four-part FOX Nation docuseries, “My Son Jeffrey: The Dahmer Family Tapes.”

“I was at my locker and he just stopped by and he put his head on my chest for a second and he said, ‘I just want to listen to your heart, make sure you’re alive,’ and then went right. in the hall, as usual. And that went on for five seconds, and that’s like a stupid thing for a 14-year-old, 15-year-old to do,” he said.

A newspaper vending machine running the Milwaukee Sentinel showed a copy of the newspaper headlined Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer killed by his inmate. A newspaper vending machine running the Milwaukee Sentinel showed a copy of the newspaper headlined Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer killed by his inmate. Getty Images

“We’re trying to make something out of it now and make it something darker than before. But at the time, from the outside, not from Jeff Dahmer’s mind…I mean, I don’t know what his mind was thinking…but from the outside , we don’t think there’s anything bad about him doing that kind of thing. It’s just a little bit different and a little bit funny and doesn’t seem like that and a normal interest that a lot of other kids do.”

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In the four-part FOX Nation documentary, “My Son Jeffrey: The Dahmer Family Tapes,” Dr. Kukral also revealed more about her childhood interactions with Dahmer.

The show, now airing, takes a closer look at Dahmer’s crime spree and explores the killer’s life, from his early years to his own death.

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The series includes recordings of chilling conversations between serial killer and cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer and his father, Lionel.

These never-before-heard audiotapes reveal from Dahmer’s own words new details about his crimes and his relationship with his father.

Although Dahmer’s actions may not have affected Dr. Kukral like the victims and their families, the former classmate said “he will always be in the back of my mind somewhere.”

“The people whose lives he has affected, of course, are all the families of the victims. And that is something that should not be forgotten. All the tragedies in their lives that will never end,” he said. “For the rest of us, it’s part of our past, part of our growing up years.”

Dr. Kukral, along with other individuals connected to Dahmer, revealed more chilling details about the killer’s past and never-before-heard audio tapes revealing his descent into depravity in his own words. Learn more by signing up for FOX Nation and streaming “My Son Jeffrey: The Dahmer Family Tapes.”

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