Rep. Ritchie Torres: Democratic Socialists are ‘indoctrinating’ young Americans with anti-Israel hate in ‘moral monstrosity’ 


Rep. Ritchie Torres: Democratic Socialists are ‘indoctrinating’ young Americans with anti-Israel hate in ‘moral monstrosity’ 

Oct. 7 is a day that will live in infamy as the most horrific terrorist attack in the history of the Jewish State.

Thousands of Israelis were killed, raped, tortured, and kidnapped as hostages. Ten percent of the members of the Israeli kibbutz, Kfar Asar, were massacred.

About 260 young Israelis partying at a music festival were shot dead. Babies are slaughtered, burned and beheaded.

The ONLY morally acceptable response to such incomprehensible violence is overwhelming outrage at the infinite barbarism of Hamas.

While most of the civilized world, led by President Biden, rightly recoils in fear at Hamas and condemns its violence immediately and without hesitation, Israel’s ideological enemies here in the US find reason to celebrate at the sight of dead Jews.

Imagine for a moment the grief of a Jewish mother whose baby has been butchered to death. Can you imagine anything more callous and cruel than to tell the grieving mother: You will surely come. You and your people bring fear to yourselves.

That’s the shocking sentiment of the New York City-Democratic Socialists of America (NYC-DSA), which wasted no time holding hate rallies that romanticized Hamas violence as “the fight.”

The DSA is hardly alone in blaming the victims of terrorism rather than the terrorists themselves.

Something is rotten in America. When institutional leaders in our country cannot condemn the cold-blooded killing of Israeli children and civilians with moral clarity, one must ask: what kind of society do we have?

What does silence and indifference and cowardice – from these so-called leaders – tell us about the depth of anti-Semitism in America and the reckoning it requires?

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The time has come to confront not just the symptom but the disease: the Democratic Socialist industrial complex that indoctrinates young Americans with anti-Israel hatred so virulent that it leaves them indifferent to the deadliest genocide of Jews since the Holocaust.

Anti-Israel extremism, which has been given mainstream respectability in law schools and legislatures, is aided and abetted by a staunch so-called “leader”— from public officials to college and university presidents.

Days of silence are often followed by cowardly words, if there are words at all.

Northwestern University, for example, said it has no plans to “issue a statement formally stating the University’s position.” Imagine that: a university that can’t be bothered to take a stand on pogroms against Jews. Have we learned nothing from the long and ugly history of Anti-Semitism?

There was nothing accidental about the disregard for Israeli life that revealed itself after October 7. The dehumanization of Israeli victims inevitably follows from the hyperbolic and systematic demonization of Israel itself.

Anti-Israel hatred and hysteria have been allowed to fester freely in academia, social media, the political arena, and elsewhere. It has been propagated by Astroturf activists and academics, reinforced by their enablers in elected office, and subsidized by governments and civil society.

When people are made to believe the most dangerous lie about Israel — that Israel is the cause of all evil on earth; that it is a “75-year occupation” that must be erased from the map from “river to sea”; that Israelis are not civilians but settlers who can be justly targeted for “resistance”; that the Israelis committed genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians and took their organs and used the blood of their children; that Israel is always the aggressor and Hamas is always the resister: when you tell so many lies and incite so much hatred, what do you think will happen?

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How do you think believers who live this lie will respond to the brutal slaughter of the Israelites? This is a moral terror made in America, and one that America must dismantle.

The anti-Israel hatred that increasingly dominates the American mind is a demon that must be banished from our body politic. For America cannot long remain a good society if the next generation of America is made to be indifferent to the barbaric slaughter of Israeli civilians and children.

I, for one, stand with Israel as it seeks to defend itself. Despite the deep pain of the present, Israel will emerge from it better and stronger than ever.

It will outlive the pernicious lies and dangerous demagogues who tell them. It will overcome the extremism of DSA and BDS. It will outlive the terrorism of Iran and its proxies, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Israel will live on — for the next 75 years and beyond. Resilience is the DNA and destiny of the Jewish people and the Jewish State. It always is and always will be. I’m as confident about that as I am about anything. Am Yisrael Chai.

Ritchie Torres is a Democratic congressman representing The Bronx

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