Republicans float booting Biden off state ballots after Trump ruling


Republicans float booting Biden off state ballots after Trump ruling

Some Republican officials angered by the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to disqualify Donald Trump from the state’s primary ballot have suggested doing the same to President Biden in their state.

Trump was disqualified by a 4-3 decision on Tuesday after the Centennial State’s highest court concluded that the 77-year-old’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021, “constituted an overt, voluntary and direct participation in rebellion” by his supporters at the convention. US Capitol.

Many Republicans who peddled the idea of ​​tit-for-tat suggested it as a thought experiment to give Democrats a taste of their own medicine, rather than a serious legislative effort.

“Seeing what’s happening in Colorado makes me think — unless we believe in democracy in Texas — maybe we should get Joe Biden off the ballot in Texas for allowing 8 million people to cross the border since he became president, disrupting our state more than anything else. other people have done in recent history,” said Lt. Lone Star State Governor Dan Patrick told Laura Ingraham of Fox News Tuesday night.

While condemning the Colorado decision, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis wondered aloud what principles limit the policy.

“Can we say that Biden can’t be on the ballot because he allowed 8 million illegal immigrants into this country, and violated the Constitution?” he asked Wednesday at a campaign event in Iowa.

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick argued that President Biden is engaging in irregularities with his border policy. Getty Images

BREAKING: Ron DeSantis reacts to the Colorado Supreme Court decision at a campaign event this morning

“There is no hearing about this! […] Can we say that Biden can’t be on the ballot because he allowed 8 million illegal immigrants into this country, and violated the Constitution?”

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— Florida Voice (@FLVoiceNews) December 20, 2023

“I think the US Supreme Court will change that,” he said. “They did all these things basically to strengthen the support in the first level for him, to make him a general. And the whole general election will be all these legitimate things.”

“What’s really wild about this opinion from the Colorado Supreme Court is that it contains no limiting principles,” former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis posted on X.

“Republicans should immediately file suit in Colorado to remove Biden from the ballot, citing his failure to secure the border and allow the invasion to fall within the Court’s broad definition of ‘engaging in insurrection,'” he added. “Challenge this nonsense.”

What’s really wild about this opinion from the Colorado Supreme Court is that it contains no limiting principles.

Republicans should immediately file suit in Colorado to remove Biden from the ballot, citing his failure to secure the border and allowing the invasion to fall…

— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) December 20, 2023

If Colorado gets Trump off the ballot, Florida and Texas should get Biden off the ballot

Allowing 8M+ illegal immigrants into America is the biggest form of rebellion

See how slippery this slope is?

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) December 20, 2023


— Anthony Sabatini (@AnthonySabatini) December 19, 2023

Every Republican state AG should file to get Joe Biden off the ballot this morning… Rebellion and blood on the Southern border is upon him.

— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) December 20, 2023

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Ellis is involved in a legal effort by Trump allies to challenge the results of the 2020 election. He pleaded guilty in Fulton County, Ga., to the scheme in October.

“One can argue that since Biden made the deal with Iran to release their billions of dollars in funds, that he is giving aid and comfort to the enemy … and if you don’t have a legal standard, then you have to accept any judge who says that . Really?” asked public health policy analyst Pradeep Shanker. “The standard was clearly always intended to be some … standard, such as a conviction (in court or prosecution). Otherwise, there are no legal standards or due process.

“And the Democrats have to accept that if the judge finds that, well… then too bad for Biden, he’s ineligible. Really?” Shanker added. “Because there seems to be no legal standard.”

“If Colorado gets Trump off the ballot, Florida and Texas should get Biden off the ballot,” said conservative influencer Rogan O’Handley. “Allowing 8M+ illegal immigrants into America is the greatest form of rebellion[.] See how slippery this slope is?”

Four justices on the Colorado Supreme Court voted to disqualify Donald Trump from the state ballot. Colorado Judicial Branch

“GET BIDEN OFF THE FLORIDA VOTE NOW!” Anthony Sabatini, the GOP contender for Florida’s 11th District, aired on X.

“All red states should immediately petition their courts to remove Biden from the ballot,” conservative commentator Peachy Keenan agreed.

“Every Republican state AG should file to get Joe Biden off the ballot this morning … Rebellion and blood on the Southern border is upon him,” said commentator Gunther Eagleman.

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Fallout from Colorado

The Disqualification Clause in the 14th Amendment has never been successfully used against a major presidential contender in US history.

In its decision, the Colorado Supreme Court stayed the decision until January 4, 2024, allowing certain Supreme Court appeals.

Donald Trump condemned the decision and promised to appeal it. Getty Images

“Unsurprisingly, the all-Democrat-appointed Colorado Supreme Court has ruled against President Trump, upholding a left-wing Soros-funded scheme to interfere in the election on behalf of Crooked Joe Biden,” Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung said in a lengthy statement. .

“Democratic Party leaders are in a state of paranoia over the rising, dominant leadership that President Trump has gathered in the polls. They have lost faith in Biden’s failed presidency and are now doing everything they can to prevent American voters from throwing them out of office next November,” he added.

The Post contacted the Biden campaign for comment.

President Biden has tread carefully around the subject, which creates a major roadblock for his primary GOP foe in the 2024 contest. AP

Trump is the 2024 GOP front-runner and has topped Biden in recent polls.

The Colorado GOP primary is scheduled for March 5, 2024. Republicans in Colorado are considering switching to a caucus system if the court ruling is upheld.

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