
‘Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Left First Wife, Meri But Didn’t Tell Her Until Now

Kody Brown seems to have ended his relationship with Meri Brown, his first wife, but there’s one problem – he never told her.

Kody Brown Calls It Quit

'Sister Wife': Kody Brown Left His First Wife, Meri But Didn't Tell HerInstagram/MeriBrown

The couple spent 32 years together, 24 of them legally married no more. Head of the house, Kody wants change, and change he does even though he doesn’t allow the other half in the change.

The revelation comes after third wife Christine Brown suddenly left Kody after allegedly suffering for years. Meri claims that Kody was “upset” that Christine left and had “made a decision” without her involvement or approval, which led him to do the same to Meri apparently.

The shocking news will be discussed in more detail on the upcoming finale/reunion event for TLC called Sister’s Wife: One by one.

Kody Brown Surprised Meri Brown

'Sister Wife': Kody Brown Left His First Wife, Meri But Didn't Tell HerInstagram/MeriBrown

As for Meri’s upcoming special, she was surprised to learn that Kody was done with her. “Then he said, ‘No, I don’t consider myself married to Meri,'” he said. “Like, he just made a decision. I never heard him say that to me.”

Kody has said in the past that he doesn’t consider himself in a relationship with Meri because right now it’s hard but the whole divorce and I’m not with you anymore thing is different, for him.

Meri remembers that during the couple’s sophomore year in Flagstaff, she called Kody to wish him a happy birthday and it didn’t end well. “He was like, ‘I don’t even know why you call me Meri.’ He was like, ‘We’re not married. We’re not acting as husband and wife,’” he recalled.

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Meri Brown Pried For More Information

'Sister Wife': Kody Brown Left His First Wife, Meri But Didn't Tell HerInstagram/ChristineBrown

The reality star went on to share with the host that she needed to know more. “I said to him, ‘Well, if that’s where we’re at, don’t you think we should discuss it openly?’ And he said, ‘No, I don’t want to deal with it. I don’t want that to be made public because I don’t want that judgment.’”

When asked by host Sukanya Krishnan about their “spiritual union” and the path to take now, Meri said, “she has already made up her mind.” Okay, so, nowhere. As for Meri she “definitely” wants to be with Kody if he accepts, “but I don’t think he’s interested,” she admits.

Kody And Meri Brown Have A History

'Sister Wife': Kody Brown Left His First Wife, Meri But Didn't Tell HerInstagram/ChristineBrown

The first wife and Kody were married the longest they shared a transgender child named Leon and while Meri wanted more children, she was unable to conceive them naturally, but by then Kody had met and married his second wife, Janelle Brown.

Funny enough, Janelle left Kody shortly after his third wife Christina packed up and left. “We’ve been separated for a few months,” Janelle told viewers. The couple has been spiritually married for 25 years.

In an episode that aired earlier this season, Janelle said; “I never thought I’d be in a place where I’d question my relationship, but the last few years, I’ve started to wonder if we’re even compatible anymore.” Well, fast forward to now and his gut instinct was right

Janelle also had to be the arbiter between Kody and the six children she shared because of how strict she was with the COVID-19 restrictions and her lack of parenting with her children. The reunion will also touch on that topic.

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