Texas Gov. Abbott vows more migrants to NYC and other cities until Biden ‘secures the border’


Texas Gov. Abbott vows more migrants to NYC and other cities until Biden ‘secures the border’

Texas has taken nearly 70,000 immigrants to so-called sanctuary cities and will continue to do so until President Biden “secures the border,” Gov. Greg Abbott warned Wednesday.

More than a third of the immigrants taken out of Texas — 25,000 — were directed to New York City under the state’s border security and burden-sharing effort launched by the Republican governor in 2021, dubbed Operation Lone Star.

“Texas will transport immigrants to sanctuary cities until Biden secures the border,” Abbott wrote in an Instagram story post Wednesday, sharing the latest breakdown of which cities are receiving the most immigrants from the Texas bus program.

“Over 12,500 to DC. Over 25,000 to New York City. Over 20,000 to Chicago. Over 3,200 to Philadelphia. Over 7,400 to Denver. Over 1,100 to Los Angeles,” the governor said, adding, “Our mission is providing critical assistance to border cities.”

Texas has taken nearly 70,000 immigrants out of the state, according to the governor. TNS

The figures released by Abbott Wednesday represent an increase of more than 19,000 since Oct. 6, the state’s last update on the number of migrants leaving the border town.

The influx of immigrants in blue states, many of them far from the southern border, has fueled tensions between Democratic governments and local officials and the Biden administration. It has also affected resources in the cities that receive the most immigrants.

As of Wednesday, New York City’s growing immigrant population included 121,300 people in the city’s care, of whom more than 66,400 were asylum seekers.

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More than 146,000 asylum seekers have passed through New York’s intake system since last spring, according to City Hall.

The surge has overwhelmed the city’s resources, including schools and shelters, and Democratic Mayor Eric Adams has called on the 81-year-old president to act on the crisis more than three dozen times.

New York officials have called on the president to do something about the influx of immigrants into the state. Getty Images

The city claims it had to open 213 emergency shelter sites to house New York’s growing immigrant population. Last week, more than 2,600 new asylum seekers entered New York care, according to City Hall.

In August, Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul demanded that Biden address the issue in his first public appeal to the White House since the crisis began in the spring of 2022.

“This crisis stems from the federal government, and it must be resolved through the federal government,” Hochul said in a statement on Aug. 24, revealing that his demands were sent to the president in a letter.

A spokesman for the Texas governor argued that the crisis facing New York was “Biden’s making” and that the issues facing the city were only “a fraction” of what border towns face every day.

About 121,300 immigrants are being cared for by the New York City government. Reuters

“Governor Abbott launched the border bus mission in April 2022 to provide support to our border communities who are overwhelmed and overwhelmed as the Biden Administration dumps thousands of immigrants in their cities. Texas has since taken more than 70,000 immigrants to self-proclaimed sanctuary cities, providing much-needed relief,” Andrew Mahaleris, the Texas governor’s press secretary, told The Post.

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“With millions of residents, New York deals with only a fraction of what our small border communities face every day, as Texas only brought about 25,000 immigrants to New York City while President Biden has flown in planeloads. migrants across the country and often in night shelters. Until President Biden acts and does his job to secure the border, Texas will continue to transport immigrants to sanctuary cities to help our local partners respond to this Biden-made crisis,” he added.

Abbott launched the immigrant bus program in April 2022 in an effort to force blue states to share the burden Texas has faced due to the record number of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers crossing the border from Mexico into the US since Biden took office.

Other states have followed Abbott’s lead.

Arizona started an immigrant bus program under former Republican Gov. Doug Ducey last year that has expanded under his Democratic successor, Gov. Katie Hobbs.

Under Hobbs, the state has taken 26,513 asylum seekers out of Arizona since January, according to Axios. Ducey transported more than 3,000 asylum seekers before his term ended.

In May, Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed a law authorizing the Sunshine State to relocate immigrants from any state in the country.

The legislation codifies an effort led by DeSantis last year that saw the state fly immigrants from Texas to destinations, such as Martha’s Vineyard and Sacramento, that have protection policies.

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Source: thtrangdai.edu.vn/en/