You Can Help Freddie Prinze Jr. And Libby’s With Some ‘Mindful Surfing’


You Can Help Freddie Prinze Jr. And Libby’s With Some ‘Mindful Surfing’

Freddie Prinze Jr. and Libby’s Vegetables have joined forces this holiday season to help support Meals on Wheels America, a national organization dedicated to addressing senior hunger and isolation.

The actress and co-author of cookbook Libby’s Vegetables is asking fans to help the organization through a Thanks & Giving program that launches in 2022. And they’re making it super easy to help.

Freddie Prinze Jr. Teaming Up With Libby’s Vegetables To Support America’s Meals On Wheels

Freddie Prinze Jr. for Libby's VegetablesCourtesy of Libby’s Vegetables

Prinze took to Instagram to share three easy recipes using Libby’s Vegetables – sweet truffle corn, green beans and bacon and sweet beets. He does all the work; all you have to do to help is like, comment or share her post with the hashtag #LibbysGivesThanks now through December 31st. Each engagement will kick off the donation of a manufacturer’s coupon that can be redeemed for a free can of Libby’s to Meals on Wheel America.

“They approached me to do some recipes and I said ‘Yeah, okay I might be able to do that.’ And they mentioned the partnership they have with Meals on Wheels America specifically, and what their goals are and that’s something that I think is very special,” he told The Blast exclusively.

“So, I made these three recipes, which are simple, easy side dishes, four ingredients or less, two of the ingredients are salt and pepper, that doesn’t even count. It’s very, very simple and just adds one different ingredient to make something a little different.”

To help the organization reach its goal of 500,000 coupons to benefit Meals on Wheels America, all you have to do is engage with Prinze’s Instagram posts.

“They make it as easy as humanly possible to do. We usually surf without thinking, this might be a careful surf, and you can do something good without trying at all and I think that makes it nice and easy for everyone,” he said.

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“If you go to my Instagram page, or if you go to @libbysvegetables [on Instagram], and you like, comment, share the recipe, whatever you want to do, or use the hashtag #LibbysGivesThanks, then they’ll donate one pair redeemable for one can, up to 500,000 coupons for Meals on Wheels America. This is really great for me. If I can be a part of that and we can get to 500,000 that means a lot.”

Freddie Prinze Jr. collaborated with Libby'sFreddie Prinze Jr. – Instagram

One of Prinze’s Libby recipes you’ll find in her Instagram posts is green beans with bacon. He said his grandmother used to make a similar version, but she made it a little easier.

“So my grandmother used to do it with a big old ham and she would slow cook it and it was amazing but not everyone has a ham sitting in the fridge,” he said. “So I tricked him with bacon because most people have it.”

Prinze remembers the first time she learned about Meals on Wheels and it has stuck with her for the rest of her life.

“There was an old lady who lived on my street in New Mexico when I was a kid and Meals on Wheels, I remember, delivering food to her and I asked my mom what it was and she told me what a great organization they were,” she said. “And now I get to work with them all these years later.”

Freddie Prinze Jr. Doing All the Holiday Cooking at Her Home

Freddie Prinze Jr. and Sarah Michelle GellarMega

Prinze does all the holiday cooking at her house, and she’s okay with that. He said he likes to cook so it doesn’t work for him.

“I cook three or four nights a week as usual and then all my Eid meals I cook as well,” she told The Blast. “But I like to cook. It doesn’t work when you love it.

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For Prinze, his wife Sarah Michelle Gellar and their two children, a fun Thanksgiving tradition they have is being at the house their friends visit for the holiday if they have nowhere else to go.

“We call our house the home of the lost and we use it for all the people who can’t go home for the holidays or sometimes, and this is more important, you don’t want to go home for the holidays and need that space, and people create their own family when they leave home,” he explained.

“We’ve been everything from four people, just the four of us, up to 22 people depending on the party, so that’s our main tradition of accepting everyone who can’t or won’t go home and making sure everyone has a chair and a plate of food and a family environment that good.”

Freddie Prinze Jr. Talking Horror On His Podcast

Freddie Prinze JrMega

Besides acting and cooking, Prinze has a passion for horror films. His podcast, “That Was Pretty Scary” is perfect for any horror movie lover looking for a new movie to enjoy. The podcast came about one day when he was watching a horror movie with his friend John.

“He knows everything about every horror movie ever made and has the same passion that I do for them, and we were watching a movie one day and he said, ‘Dude, we should do a podcast about horror movies,’ and I said, ‘Yes, we should.’ And that was kind of the birth of it and kind of took off from there,” Prinze told The Blast.

“We only make films that we like so there are no bad reviews. It’s just movies we’re interested in and hopefully we have a bunch in our library that you haven’t seen. We also do B-movies that a lot of people haven’t seen like ‘Chopping Mall,’ things like ‘The Slumber Party Massacre,’ ‘The Stuff’ starring Michael Moriarty, things like that that we love and are passionate about, and I think there’s a place for they are artistically in the world and that is the podcast world to reintroduce this film.”

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They also talk about mainstream movies with “just like love” and have welcomed guests on the podcast.

“Tom Holland, not an actor, but the director who made ‘Child’s Play’ came and spoke, and he also made ‘Fright Night’ which is an underrated horror film. Everyone should see ‘Fright Night,’ and it’s the best movie poster for a horror movie ever, with this great shark smile in the background, it’s great,” he said.

“And then the smaller ones that don’t get much love, like ‘Pumpkin Head,’ Stan Winston’s directorial debut. By the way, another great poster. Everyone should please google that when you read this, the poster for ‘Pumpkin Head’ is just, really gross, but I will say it’s really pretty, but that’s because I love horror movies. I have a lot of passion for it and I hope it comes through on the show, I think it really does, and people seem to really like it so far.

When asked what his favorite movie of all time is, you can hear the excitement in his voice. He said he had a long list but named a few that stood out.

“’They Live’ is my favorite movie, John Carpenter ‘They Live.’ I love everything about it, but it’s not just horror movies that I love,” he said. “I love from that to ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit,’ I think that’s also an absolute masterpiece. And then back to ‘Godfather 2’ which is the best of all the ‘Godfathers.” That’s a little, but too much. There’s a long list.”

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