Facebook Hacked story


My Story with FB Hacked Account. Why You Don’t Receive Help

When I found out that my Facebook account was hacked, I decided to reset my password because this is the only thing every tech blog teaches you. As soon as I opened my Facebook account, numerous promotions hit me in the face. Amazingly, someone used my credit card to pay and run Facebook ads from my account. I thought that resetting the password would help, but I was wrong because the scenario was much more serious than I imagined. I rush to contact Facebook so I can shut down all ad accounts, but what happened next was even more painful than the hack.

At first I tried to get rid of those spam ad accounts by my own but I couldn’t do it even facebook support team denied it saying they couldn’t get rid of them either but I was not satisfied with their answer though. This hardly bothered them.

Facebook is not new to the market, it is one of the cornerstones of what we call social networks today. There are billions of users who trust FB with their personal and financial data. But unfortunately, there are not enough resources to deal with hacked or compromised accounts, all they can do is; Reset your password. However, there is no way to recover the money or information they have lost after the hack. Facebook customer support is unreliable in such cases and getting help from a live person over the phone can only happen in your dreams.

No doubt Facebook is expanding its territory gracefully, even though they are regularly hiring technical staff to improve services and range of features, but there is no effort to be seen in the field of customer service and that is very disappointing.

Jillian York, International Director of International Freedom of Expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, recently said that “Generally speaking, [Facebook’s customer service] not very good”, so it is clear that not only regular users of many big names in the market point out that Facebook’s customer service is not as remarkable as expected. “If you know someone in the company or know someone like me, who has access to people in the company, it can be quite easy,” he added in his statement.

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The next thing Facebook needs to be careful about is; disgusting scammer like Facebook. Scammers have created various helplines that act like a Facebook support team and steal users’ information. The web is full of these types of scams. Some of them are helpful and clearly state their third party status, but a lot of these help lines are looting money from Facebook users. All this happens due to poor accessibility to Facebook technical support. You can be stuck with the autoresponder for hours, and your frustration drives you to search for other helpful resources.

We all know about Facebook Help Center, the only official web platform available for help. Even the help center doesn’t offer you a direct way to communicate with a live person. Rather, it keeps you entangled in FAQs, chatbots, and forums; you don’t need a real human Facebook representative who can offer you personalized support. And this is not expected from the world’s largest social media platform.

Here is a bitter truth that we all need to swallow; To Facebook, we are all a product to make money unless you are a paid advertiser on Facebook. FB is more compassionate towards its advertiser, since he wants to sell the stored information for promotional activities. So it is clear that FB is more interested in making money from user information with targeted ads, rather than offering an active support platform and ensuring customer satisfaction.

When it comes to customers, FB is not even properly supporting the advertiser if they were left with a glitch and all of that is focused on FB to motivate advertisers to run more and more ads so that more money can be made. There are many cases where the advertiser has urged Facebook to offer better support services. Recently, a FB advertiser expressed his problem by saying that “I am using Facebook ads to promote your business in the local area, but recently my account was blocked due to suspicious activity. He waited for FB’s automated tool to resolve the issue, but nothing helped. Then he contacted FB support via messenger through his friend’s account and then his account was unlocked. He tried to contact FB to understand the reason behind the block but got no response. He said that he felt trapped and lost in the FB world.

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Now, let’s look at the statement made by Joseph Ridout, a spokesperson for Consumer Action “Facebook is a company that is infamous for its poor, and at times seemingly non-existent, customer service.” He added: “None of this [$5 billion] The liquidation seems to be dedicated to improving that customer service or making the user interface more manageable for people experiencing issues.” He also said: “I wouldn’t say they’re not capable of dealing with consumer privacy issues, I’d say they’re more than capable, but they’re totally uninterested because it’s not a profitable activity.”

Going back to my problem; I spent weeks resolving the matter, and every time I made a query to FB, they responded in a boring way. I begged them to remove the ad accounts that were constantly sucking up my money. After a week or so, I spoke to a FB representative and he promised to remove all ad accounts within a week. But nothing happened for the whole week and even after a week. I contacted FB support team again, but a new representative told me that it was ok to have that account because he couldn’t even understand that I am a victim of hacking, he thought that I was using the account intentionally. He was so frustrated that I yelled at him and then he said that no one can delete the account because no one has the authority to do so. WOW!!!! I was so angry that I wanted to sue them, but somehow I controlled my anger and immediately cut the phone line.

I tried many other things but nothing helped. I came to know the truth at the end that FB is lacking in customer service and everything is focused on giving grants from the stored information. FB is not even transparent and the internal system is a mystery to a regular user. The victim of the hacked accounts is not being helped and therefore depends on the support of a third party who plays with them more.

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York said, “I understand that they might be worried about being overburdened because they do these things so badly, but I think they really need to invest in reasonable customer service. He said: “By choosing to keep their systems free and how they exist right now, they’re making a statement about how they don’t really have to help anyone.”

This was my experience with FB when my account got hacked, if you had the same experience please raise your voice so it can reach Facebook and FB improve their customer service which can really help users and don’t throw salt on the burn.

Categories: Technology